Love: Our Advice And Experiences

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Love is complicated and it will always be just that! Even when your love life seems to be on the right track, we worry about things derailing. We sometimes even get to a point where we worry when we don’t argue and end up asking ourselves if it’s normal. We reserved this corner to fill you in on our editor’s adventures and advice. Now, we can’t promise to wave a magic wand and make everything better, but we can give you some tips!

Love: Our Advice And Experiences

Taking a closer look at your relationships, as well as looking into your behavior will help you understand your love life and current relationship status. Now could even be the time for you to change things up and evaluate your relationships. And how can you go about loving someone when you don’t really love yourself? We’re here to guide you through.

Flirting, single life, fantasies, sexuality, breakups and divorce… We’re ready to talk about everything!

🎵 "Your heart is all I own. And in your eyes you're holding mine."

- Ed Sheeran

Add some fire to your relationship:

Can A Narcissist Be Faithful?

Narcissists often get bad press, and although many of us try to see the best in most people, in their case, it can be extremely difficult to find. The truth is, folks with this personality disorder don’t exactly have many redeeming qualities that could potentially help to excuse and explain their borderline evil behavior. Plus, when it comes to love, their lack of empathy means they have next to no loyalty, which means many of them often end up cheating on their partners. Ladies, if you are in a relationship with a narcissist, the alarm bells ought to be truly deafening.

Test Out The 36 Questions That Lead You To Finding Love

Imagine if you could fall in love in just 36 questions? Well, it's possible! An experiment conducted by the American researcher in psychology, Arthur Aron, was set up to study this possibility. Thanks to the questions of the experiment, it is in fact possible to fall in love with a stranger or to rekindle the flame between two exes. Whether you believe the hype or not, it might be interesting to put things to the test and to discover the questions of the experiment! After all, these 36 little interrogations could lead you to finding the love of your life.

What Does A Narcissist Want In A Relationship?

We often like to believe that love is a sweet mixture of flowers, hearts, and rainbows, although, at points, there is a much darker and devious side to dating than it would appear. As someone who has previously dated a narcissist, I can definitely attest to the dangers of being with someone who lacks empathy and never feels guilty for their actions poses to our mental health. Unfortunately, people with this personality type are experts in the field of toxic and abusive relationships, but do you have any idea of what they are really looking for? In any case, I hate to break it to you, but they certainly aren’t looking for real love…

What Is Love Bombing?

You may not be familiar with the term love bombing, but this bittersweet composition of words is certainly traumatizing enough to send a few shivers down your spine. This term does indeed refer to a cycle of narcissistic abuse which normally occurs at the beginning of a relationship. This intense period of abuse certainly paves the way for a truly unhealthy relationship, yet, many of us, (myself included) fail to recognize the red flags involved because our partners often seem so caring and implicated. So, without further ado, discover the indications your partner is using this devious manipulation tactic against you.

Can An Empath Date A Narcissist?

Certain couple combinations are completely and utterly toxic, and I personally can’t think of a more dangerous pairing than an empath dating a narcissist. Although no doubt many of us would agree that this coupling seems off, we don’t exactly choose who we fall in love with, and I can definitely attest to that... As a natural empath, my abusive ex wormed his way into my heart through what I now recognize as love bombing and outright manipulation. Being the emotional sponge I am, his deviously dark traits kept me firmly under his thumb for the duration of our relationship. So, let my relationship failures be a lesson to you, and the warning you need to stay away from narcissists!

10 Signs You Are Being Used By Your Partner

Love is perhaps the most dangerous and intoxicating drug known to man. The overwhelming emotions that it provokes are simply so overpowering that we end up missing what many people perceive as blatant red flags. Now, when we think about the idea of being used, our minds often automatically focus on financial gains and sexual favors, yet we fail to acknowledge the emotional abuse element of the ordeal, which along with the other factors can lead to damaged mental health in the long-run. If you have doubts about your partner’s sincerity, here are 10 signs that you are being used.

Help, Why Do I Attract Narcissists?

After a succession of dating disasters, I decided that it was time I took a step back to analyze the root of my consistent heartbreak. Being on the dating scene is tough, and meeting new people just isn’t as easy as they make it out to be. Although, that being said, meeting toxic monsters seems to be a lot less complicated, well at least for me, it seems that way, that’s right, I have a real talent for it. So, after deleting all of my apps and going on a dating hiatus for several months, I finally understand why I attract people with narcissistic personality disorders, who do nothing but break me down and subject me to narcissistic abuse.

Can You Have A Healthy Relationship With A Narcissist?

I’ve always been very open with my dating history, so if you’ve read some of my other articles, you’ll probably already know that, none of my relationships have ever fulfilled me, or even made me feel good about myself. In fact, since dating my most recent partner, who was by the way a raging narcissist, I’ve decided that I need to take a break from love, and instead, spend more time on finding myself. How did I get to this point? Well, when I was with my ex, no matter how hard I tried, our love disintegrated, well at least for me, it did. I can now firmly say that all the tears, arguments, and pain have taught me that loving someone with narcissistic tendencies will only ever end in disaster, and I’m about to share why.

Relationships are full of ups and downs, yet many of them get to a point where they verge on friendships. Now, we all know that the honeymoon phase can’t last forever, but in many instances, once the lack of romance mixed with a stale routine creep in, the writing is often on the wall for lots of love stories. Keeping the spark alive is a challenge and requires the commitment of both partners, yet when we’ve been with our other half for years, we can be guilty of taking things for granted and giving up. If you are in need of a serious wake-up call, here are the warning signs you are growing apart from your partner.

5 Signs You Are Texting A Narcissist

Let’s be honest, people with narcissistic personalities are very smooth operators and absolutely fantastic at what they do. Whether it’s in real life or behind a screen, these folks are experts in getting what they want and aren’t afraid to step on a few toes to accomplish their aims. Because they are so skillful in the art of deception, when it comes to dating, their love-bombing can actually be interpreted as caring and enthusiastic interest. Although, once you’ve fallen victim to these sorts of vultures once, you’ll know that certain red flags even appear in the texting stage of a relationship.

Love in all its beauty:

Do Narcissists Enjoy Kissing?

Kissing is a deeply intimate act, and although in popular culture it is often classed as only being worthy of first base, it does in fact go way beyond that toxic evaluation. We have no doubt all had at least one lingering kiss that we’ll never forget; one which left all of our senses tingling and hungry for more. 💏 Well, that memorable smooch left us reminiscing because it was sincere and meant something. In short, it encapsulated love and romance, which are two things that narcissists are quite simply incapable of feeling.

Are You Going Through A Love Burnout?

Sorry to break this to you, but burnouts are not exclusively restricted to your professional life; they can indeed also affect your love life too! A relationship burnout occurs when one of the partners in a relationship feels emotionally exhausted, in need of a break, and desires a period of being single. This feeling is in fact linked to an accumulation of disappointments and intense sorrow related to dating and relationships. So, what are the signs of emotional exhaustion? And, how can you avoid going through this, or even cope with it if it has already set in? Here's what you need to know.

No Sex In A Relationship - Could It Make Me And My Partner Happier?

What are people in a sexless relationship called? Are they roommates? Or even platonic lovers? For me and for many others; sex is the foundation of any relationship, but being the curious person that I am, finding an answer to this question seemed like a challenge I couldn't turn down. Thinking back to the early days of my relationship, going 3 days with no action between the sheets was virtually impossible, yet, many couples say putting a stop to love making saved them. This got me thinking and after reading more about sexual abstinence, it got me thinking about the benefits of giving the bed springs a break.

10 Healthy Relationship Tips All Couples Must Follow

Stories of couples who spend their whole lives together seem like distant fairy tales nowadays. With the rise of dating apps and a shift in the idea of what constitutes a traditional relationship; the word long-term almost sounds foreign to many of us. Being in love isn't always simple, but when it works out, it's worth all the hard work. Being the romantic souls that we are, we wanted to share with you the recipe for a long-lasting and harmonious relationship. After all, who doesn't want to experience what their grandparents did? Discover the best tips for a happy and healthy love story.

I'm Too Scared To Fall In Love; How Can I Overcome This Fear?

In love, things are never really certain and just when we think things are going well, they often seem to derail. That being said, when you consider that one in two marriages ends in divorce, it's no wonder that reluctance to fall in love is becoming an increasingly common phobia amongst people. This fear hides deep-seated anxieties and can become very painful and penalizing... To overcome your worries and cast them aside once and for all, you need to understand where they originate from.

Open Relationships

Most of the time, when we think of a couple, we think of two people and only two people. This vision can be reassuring, even seductive for some, but for others, it’s far from being fulfilling. What if fidelity was no longer an obligation? What if the exclusive relationship was an outdated model and what if we moved on to an open relationship?

Is Flirting Cheating, Or Just Harmless Fun?

The question of faithfulness and the boundaries regarding this notion often crop up in relationships, and aren't just exclusively reserved for new couples. We all have different opinions on what constitutes betraying our partner's trust, but does flirting really make the list? After all, we all like a few spicy thrills in our lives, regardless of whether we're taken or not. Making eyes at George, another parent at my kid's school, when I drop them off in the morning is part of my daily routine, so is that really classed as being unfaithful or not? The answer is simple: it depends!

The Ultimate Survival Guide To Dealing With A Break-Up

Getting over an ex isn’t always an easy process because we all mend, move on and heal differently. Whilst for some of us, a quick hookup and a few weeks of reflection is enough, others take much longer to move forward and on to new things. Whatever method you choose when it comes to forgetting about your past love experiences, know that it takes a lot of strength of character. The post breakup period can make us feel lonely and lost, but believe us when we say there is light at the end of the tunnel. Discover the motions people go through, and the steps involved to being able to recover for heartbreak.


I’m lucky to have never experienced infidelity, but I know that if it happened to me, I’d be devastated. Cheating can destroy a relationship and lead to a break-up, however, you can also choose to save it. But being betrayed like this can affect our mental health and destroy us as well. Should you save your relationship at any cost after infidelity, or is it better to choose yourself?