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Modern dating is a whole new game, what with its endless apps and websites, it has undeniably changed the way we meet people. Gone are the days when we ended up marrying the boy down the road because now, our thumbs seem to be obsessed with swiping and attributing mega likes to pictures of faces we’ve never actually even seen before. Now, I can’t sing its praises enough, but the one thing that doesn’t reassure me is that it provides the perfect cover for narcissists. Yes, you know, those vampire-like personalities who love to manipulate you for their own entertainment. Well, thanks to the creation of dating apps and websites, they are able to dissimulate themselves amongst genuine people looking for love, plus they won’t hesitate to woo you in order to get what they want. This is why identifying these dangerous personalities is essential because after all, no one wants to slip into their grasp...
>>> Find out if a narcissist can love you
Are you afraid you are texting a narcissist? These 5 signs will confirm your fears
1) They never ask you how you are
Although they may feign an interest in you and your life at the beginning, the novelty of you will soon wear off for them, and you’ll end up only ever talking about them. Narcissists love the limelight and will never turn down an opportunity to tell tall tales about their amazing lives and how successful they are. In short, when you text your crush, you don’t exist and your conversations are no doubt very one-sided. Plus, they’ll never really even bother to check in on your feelings.
2) They blow hot and cold
If one minute they are all over you, smothering you with compliments and being cute, and in the next instant they ghost you, then alarm bells should be ringing at a deafening volume. These vindictive personalities only see their romantic interests and playthings, which explains why they often change the intensity of their commitment. The upshot is that if someone, who in their eyes is better, comes along, then they certainly won’t hang around for too long.
3) They need to be in control
People with narcissistic personality disorder NEED to be in control of every aspect of their lives, and this explains why their relationships are always on their terms. So, if you are texting one, you’ll no doubt already have noticed that they need to have the upper hand and feel like they are pulling the strings. They’ll always be the one who decides what to chat about and when is a time to end the conversation.
4) They constantly need validation
Although they like to pretend they are strong and independent, in reality, they thrive on compliments and virtually demand them. They need to be made to feel special and admired, and if you want them to carry on texting you, you’d best play ball, otherwise, they’ll simply disappear.
5) They put you down
Fully-fledged manipulators aren’t concerned about your mental health, and they believe that criticizing you will only motivate you to please them more. Although their methods are completely despicable, they prove to be effective in getting people to fall for them… So, the next time the person you are interested in texts you that they don’t like your new selfie, it may be time to walk away.
Editor’s opinion - Anyone can hide behind a virtual smile onlineBeing in a relationship with a narcissist in any sense is dangerous, which is why we need to have our wits about us. If you suspect the person you are texting has poor intentions, you must sever ALL communication immediately. |
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