Narcissists are most definitely at the top of the food chain when it comes to manipulators and toxic personalities, however, that doesn’t mean you are doomed to suffer their abuse eternally. Whilst their evil tactics may seem relentless, there is always a way out. Keeping in mind that you do indeed have options is very important to freeing yourself from the grasp of your ill-intentioned partner or friend. 🤯 I think it’s about high time we gave these despicable personalities a taste of their own medicine and made them feel the fear that victims often experience at their hands.
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10 Ways to make a narcissist fear you - What intimidates them most?
It’s time to make these folks panic! Here’s how you can intimidate them.
1) Take back the control
Losing control is definitely a narcissist’s worst nightmare. The truth is, these folks have such an immense sense of entitlement that they believe they are worthy enough to dominate everything and everyone in their lives. In short, these people are completely power-hungry and will do absolutely anything to remain in the driving seat. If you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile, and will definitely get high on all the power. Snatching back control will certainly help you stop them in their tracks and could even intimidate them enough so that they back down.
2) Let them know you’re on to them
Narcissists hate the idea of being unmasked and found out. For them, the idea of people seeing how dangerous and toxic they really are is synonymous with the end of the comfy lives that they’ve worked so hard to establish. Once these abusers realize that they are on thin ice, they’ll likely reign in the manipulative behavior and ease up on the emotional abuse. However, this sudden U-turn won’t be because they have developed empathy, instead, it’ll be because they have entered survival mode and need to protect themselves.
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3) Set boundaries
Dealing with a narcissist is never an easy feat because they are so sneaky and conniving that, in reality, they leave little to no room for boundaries to be set or respected. People with this personality disorder regard boundaries as obstacles to achieving their goals, which explains why they are so intent on preventing their installation. Setting boundaries doesn’t have to be anything too substantial, it could even be as simple as reducing your communication with your abuser.
4) Resort to public humiliation
This may seem like a very drastic idea, however, it is a very effective solution to scaring an abuser and getting them to leave you alone. This may seem like a bit of a threat, and if I’m being honest, it probably is, but it will definitely do the trick and push your abuser into line. After all, sometimes you need to fight fire with fire. For these devious folks, there is nothing more terrifying than for people they want to impress to see just how despicable they are.
5) Hold them accountable for their actions
Whether it’s love bombing, manipulation, or emotional abuse, narcissists are all guilty of these terrible behaviors, and certainly need to be held accountable for their actions. Calling them out for the things they do symbolizes turning the tables on them. If you want to spook your abuser, the next time you catch them lying, pull them up on it, and make sure that they know you are aware of what they are doing.
6) Don’t let them crush you
Narcissistic abuse is so intense and overwhelming that it can leave us speechless and lost with regard to how we should react. At the start of the abuse, we’ll no doubt find ourselves defenseless, however, as time goes on, and the abuser unmasks themselves, we should feel legitimized in confronting them. Talking back to them, protesting against their malicious ways, and putting yourself first are perfect examples of how to put these folks in their place.
7) Speak your truth
People with narcissistic personalities are very talented when it comes to making their victims feel small and irrelevant, to the point that they believe their voices don’t count. Speaking your truth as a victim can seem intimidating, but it will also be a very useful tool when it comes to intimidating your narcissistic abuser. Whether you choose to do it on social media or the next time you see your friends and family, be reassured that your voice is worth something.
8) Starve them of attention
If you’ve ever had the misfortune of having a narcissist in your life, you’ll know that attention recharges their batteries and makes them even more malicious. If you start to ignore their text messages and phone calls, you’ll definitely get under their skin and scare them into thinking that you are up to something. These monsters feel that they have the right to know what’s going on in their victims’ lives at any given minute.
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9) Cut contact
Cutting them off at the source will really send a strong message to every type of narcissist that exists. Walking away from a toxic relationship is never a simple feat, but it is most definitely the key to getting your freedom back. Standing up to a toxic manipulator in this way will truly and utterly terrify them, and confirm that their victims are slipping through their iron-fisted grip.
10) Surround yourself with supportive people
Being in a toxic relationship can be an incredibly lonely situation, which is why it’s so important to have a solid group of friends around you. Being able to turn to people you trust can be a lifesaver in these tough scenarios. Now, although, these folks will typically try and isolate you from your entourage because they worry that an outsider’s perspective on their behavior will cause you to act out against them. After all, the one true goal is to keep you in line and under control.
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How to make a narcissist fear losing you
Dealing with a narcissist in a relationship can be challenging, but if you want to make them fear losing you, it’s important to approach the situation with strategic boundaries and self-preservation in mind. Here are some tactics that can help:
- 1) Establish and maintain boundaries: Clearly define your boundaries and stick to them. Show that you will not tolerate disrespect or manipulation. Narcissists fear losing control, so when you assert your boundaries, it makes them realize they can’t push you around.
- 2) Cultivate self-confidence: Show confidence in yourself and your decisions. Narcissists often prey on those with low self-esteem. By demonstrating self-assurance, you signal that you value yourself and won’t settle for less than you deserve.
- 3) Limit your availability: Do not always be readily available to the narcissist. By having your own life, interests, and social circle, you create a sense of independence. This unpredictability can make them fear they are not the center of your universe and that you might leave.
- 4) Show social proof: Narcissists crave admiration and often compare themselves to others. If they see that you are valued and respected by other people, it can trigger their fear of losing someone who is appreciated by others.
- 5) Stop giving them supply: Narcissists thrive on the attention, admiration, and emotional reactions they get from others. By not reacting to their provocations and not providing them with the emotional supply they crave, you reduce their power over you. They fear losing the supply you provide.
💡 FAQ - What scares a narcissist the most? 📍 ▼
The greatest fear of a narcissist is pretty much the same as everyone else’s and that is being ignored. Ignorance is the opposite of love, it is the worst "punishment" a person can experience. The best way to put out a fire is to stop feeding it, because when deprived of air, it dies slowly. The same goes for when it is deprived of attention. Narcissists need attention. It doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative attention, just be there. They can’t stand it when people ignore them or don’t notice them. They want to be the center of everything, so they would rather have a scene or drama take center stage than sit still in a corner. Try to avoid narcissistic people in your life, as they bring a lot of negativity and drama. But if you have to deal with them, remember what scares them, so you can use it against them when they try to manipulate or dominate you.
Editor’s opinion - Scaring an abuser makes them unpredictableBy making a narcissist fear you, the goal is evidently to get them to back off and consequently bring the abuse to an end, however, it’s impossible to guarantee their reactions. The truth is, people with narcissistic personality disorders are so unpredictable, that you may trigger them even further by attempting to grab the upper hand, and this could intensify the emotional violence. That being said, when we are caught in such a cycle, we need to attempt to bring an end to it, regardless of the potential consequences. In short, victims need to put themselves first.
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