Are Narcissists Hypocrites? Yes, And Here Are 8 Reasons Why

Last updated by Katie M.

If you know anything about narcissists, you'll surely be aware that they are extremely overly judgmental and critical, especially towards other people. Their faultfinding stems from their perception of ultimate superiority, and therefore legitimizes them in holding people to intimidatingly high standards šŸ‘‘. However, although they may believe they are pretty much perfect, the reality couldn't be any more different, yet they are slightly more forgiving with themselves. That's right, they are huge hypocrites and go from one extreme to another in a split second. Here we discuss the reasons behind their hypocritical behavior.

Are Narcissists Hypocrites? Yes, And Here Are 8 Reasons Why

I'm sure we can all agree that there's nothing more frustrating than having to deal with a hypocrite, but a narcissistic one takes things to a whole new level. Indeed, people with this personality disorder will preach their moral standards and views to anyone willing to listen, however, their behavior and actions will never meet them. But, the worst part about them is that they'll demand complete rigor and compliance from their entourage šŸ‘ø.

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8 Reasons why narcissists are hypocrites...

Discover the 8 reasons why they have such double standards.

1) Narcissists will do anything to save face

Narcissists are deeply proud people and will never want people to see them as anything other than strong and powerful personalities. Now, these guys are totally capable of doing a complete 180Ā° turn on a matter they have spoken out about and condemned, just to look cool. The truth is, when their pride and ego are at stake, they'll put their supposed morals to one side and decide to go against everything they've preached as a way of preserving their masculinity and alleged strength. With them, nothing is out of bounds, and even if they claim that they are uncomfortable with drinking, for example, don't be surprised if they get completely drunk with their friends as a way of impressing them.

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2) Narcissists feel entitled

Those with narcissistic personality disorders believe they hold all the power, which implies that they simply don't care about others people's thoughts or feelings. Whilst they'll hold their entourage to ridiculously high standards when they themselves are concerned, it'll be a completely different story, and they'll change their minds as quickly as the weather. In reality, their hugely overinflated egos mean that they believe they can get away with anything, despite what they have said in the past.

3) They lack empathy

Hypocrites all have the empathy void in common and are virtually incapable of putting themselves in someone else's shoes to understand their suffering and pain. Now, because they have little to no regard for anyone, (yes this is true even though they may claim differently), they feel like they behave in whatever way suits them best. The fact that they lack respect actually validates their conspicuous decisions when it comes to changing their minds on subjects that were seemingly important to them.

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4) They have no self-awareness

These slippery snakes are often completely unaware of their sneaky behavior, which means at times they are utterly oblivious to their hypocrisy and sudden change of hearts. Although that being said, they'd never admit to being hypocritical, instead, they'd put it down to being spontaneous and open-minded... After all, only fools are incapable of changing their opinions, right?!

5) They are blatant liars

These folks have very little respect for the truth, but obviously demand that people are honest with them. Their willingness to use double standards explains why they are often exposed as raging hypocrites. With these types of personalities, it's almost impossible to know what they really think or feel, simply because they are so unstable and morally fragile.

6) They'll throw around wild accusations

Whilst they'll preach about faithfulness and loyalty, narcissist hypocrites will happily flirt with other people and then accuse you of being unfaithful in the same breath. In fact, they'll intensify their level of hypocrisy whenever they feel as if they are being called out for their actions or held accountable for them.

7) They can never accept blame

Now, because they believe that they are perfect in every sense of the word, these folks have the hardest time ever accepting blame and therefore prepare to weave a web of lies rather than holding their hands up. Whenever they realize they have made a bad decision, they'll pretend that they are simply victims of bad luck in order to preserve their outlandish egos. With them, everyone else is always at fault.

8) They want to be admired

Any self-respecting narcissist dreams of being admired and looked up to, which is why whenever they feel that the tide is turning against them, they'll change teams. Essentially, their need to feel popular and respected means that they will abandon their morals and points of view. That's right, they place popularity above integrity...

šŸ’” FAQ: Narcissist hypocrite meaning šŸ’”

A "narcissist hypocrite" refers to an individual who exhibits narcissistic traitsā€”such as self-centeredness, lack of empathy, and a need for admirationā€”while also holding others to unrealistic standards or criticizing them for behaviors they themselves engage in. This hypocrisy arises when they expect perfection from others but fail to recognize or take responsibility for their own flaws and mistakes. Essentially, they often demand qualities in others that they do not practice themselves, leading to a double standard in their relationships and interactions.

 šŸ’”FAQ šŸ’” Is hypocrisy part of narcissism? 

Hypocrisy and narcissism can be linked in some cases, but it's important to note that hypocrisy is not exclusively linked to narcissism. Hypocrisy is generally defined as pretending to have beliefs, values or behaviors that are different from what one actually demonstrates.

In the case of a narcissist, hypocritical behavior may be exhibited in order to maintain an idealized self-image and manipulate others. These folks may present themselves as altruistic, generous or benevolent, but their real actions may be selfish, manipulative or devoid of consideration for others.

Narcissism is characterized by excessive preoccupation with the self, a constant need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. These traits can contribute to hypocritical behavior, as the narcissistic person seeks to preserve his or her positive image and win the approval of others, even if this means acting in a way that contradicts his or her own values or convictions.

>>> Read; What are the signs of an empath?

Editor's opinion - Hypocrisy stems from low self-esteem

Although narcissists like to portray themselves as being confident, secretly they have very little self-love and compensate for this lack of self-validation by becoming hypocritical and demanding of others. Narcissists ultimately use hypocrisy as a way of ignoring their own shortfalls, plus it's a way for them to project their demands onto others in order to avoid them getting hurt. That's right, they use double standards as a form of protection to ensure that they are surrounded by people they deem good enough.

šŸ¤— Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... Letā€™s do it here and now!


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"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." 

- Oscar Wilde