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Authentic and true love is not a sign of emotional dependence, on the contrary, it gives you real freedom to confide in someone, to really be who you are, and to accept the other person, faults and all. Now, of course, everyone has their own definition of the perfect relationship, but certain signs just don't lie, and if you want your relationship to work, recognizing them in your own fairy tale is essential.
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10 Signs you are experiencing true love
If you notice these signs in your relationship, you may just spend the rest of your life with your partner.
1) You feel good around them
Like in most romantic relationships, when you are truly head over heels in love, your partner makes you feel invincible. Everything he does builds your confidence and makes you feel like a queen. Even on difficult days, just talking to them helps you put things into perspective, and gives you a more positive outlook on things. Plus, he has a special knack for always knowing how to make you feel better when you are sad.
2) You can be your true self with them
When you experience true love, you feel completely at ease with your partner, and don't feel pressured into hiding anything. That's right, there's no need for any filters here, you can truly be your authentic self without worrying about being judged. Here, your partner has seen you at your best and worst and has not changed his opinion of you. You're not afraid of being au naturel around him, and you're certainly not ashamed of wearing your ugliest, yet comfiest pajamas.
3) There's no jealousy between you
There is no animosity whatsoever, just affection. You trust each other completely, and would never feel the need to sneakily look through each other's messages, for example. What's more, is that your partner doesn't get angry when the bartender flirts with you, in fact, it makes him feel even better about himself, because he believes you are truly beautiful, yet you chose him. Indeed, whenever anyone is physically attracted to you, he remains calm because he has faith in your feelings.
>>> Find out how to control jealousy in a relationship
4) You are each other's priority
You do things for each other that you'd never dream of doing for anybody else. That's right, you have such a bond between you that you'd literally do anything to make your partner happy. Your soulmate accompanies you wherever you need them, just as you do the same for them. When you spend time together, they always agree to watch movies that you like and always do so happily. That's right, your partner is always there for you when you need them most, without having to ask.
5) You can always count on each other
Like in any good romantic love story, you can always rely on your partner to be there for you, in the good times and in the bad. No matter what you go through; be it the breakdown of a friendship, losing your job, or losing someone close to you, you can bet your bottom dollar that you won't face it alone. In any healthy relationship, couples tackle problems together and always come out stronger.
6) You feel proud of your partner
Your partner in crime often makes you feel how precious you are, and always encourages you when you need a boost. Plus, they're never shy in showing you off to their friends and family, either. In short, they are in admiration of you and want the world to see just how fantastic and special you really are.
7) You feel calm around them
Whenever things go wrong, and boy do they go wrong, your partner tries to make you feel good by focusing on the solution rather than the problem. He'll magically unload the stress and make you feel confident when it comes to solving the issue, no matter how complex it is. In fact, if you disagree about something, your partner will be more concerned about ending the discussion than having the last word. When you're together, the bad days just don't get you down as much as they did before.
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8) There aren't enough words for you to describe how much you love them
You literally can't think of any more ways to communicate how much you love your partner. The English language simply doesn't have enough adjectives to describe what you feel. Plus, no matter how many times you say those three special words, it's never enough because you love them so much that you feel like your heart could explode. And, that's not all, because your partner will try to make you fall in love differently with them every day. Ahh, isn't that romantic?!
9) Your arguments never last
Now, you'll only ever rarely argue, but when you do, you'll soon kiss and make up. In fact, you might bicker over silly and insignificant things from time to time, but you'll always be in total sync when it comes to making big decisions. Communication is your best ally, and you know how to use it to your advantage.
10) You are each other’s number one fan
Your partner often tells you how talented, beautiful, smart and strong you are. And always encourages you when you need a boost. Yes, that’s true love for you there!
Editor's opinion - Don't despair if you don't recognize these signs in your relationshipEvery love story is different, so if you are struggling to identify the previously mentioned signs, that's not to say you should instantly throw in the towel. Love, trust, and affection require time and patience to develop, which means there's no point in rushing. Therefore, if you have just started dating someone, allow yourself the necessary time for things to take their course between you. After all, good things come to those who wait! 🤗 Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... Let’s do it here and now! #BornToBeMe |
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