A narcissist feels the inherent need to control, manipulate and lie. They lack empathy for the victims and believe they are above everyone else, which for them, seems to play an important role in justifying their harmful actions. To top this off, these folks are also extremely jealous of other people, to the point where they make it their mission to hinder their progress and bring them down. 🤯 That’s right, people who suffer from this personality disorder certainly aren’t above going out of their way to purposely create drama as a way of holding others back in an attempt to fulfill their own twisted fantasies. Now that we’ve covered what motivates these people to act so deviously, it’s time to find out whom they choose as victims.
>>> Read up on the traits of a narcissist.
What kind of people do narcissists target? - 4 Personalities they target 🎯
Whether it’s in love, friendship, or at work, these human vampires will do everything in their power to bring these personality types down.
1) Narcissists pick on people who are well respected and successful
As I said before, narcissistic abusers are always surprising and aren’t above throwing us off the scent by trying to sink their teeth into successful and impressive folks. The truth is, they like a challenge and believe that they are so charismatic that they can get absolutely anyone to do absolutely anything. Taking down and destroying someone who others look up to is just too tempting for these vindictive personalities, who constantly need to be in control and prove that they are the best. Jealousy is obviously a huge motivator here, but so is the need to show off exactly what they are capable of. Yes, they want their entourage to be scared of them.
2) Narcissists prey on people who lack confidence in themselves
Now, this is definitely the easiest option when it comes to manipulation and maintaining control, but narcissists aren’t above exploring this route. Those who lack self-confidence and struggle with self-esteem are the perfect victims because they are often so downtrodden and isolated that they don’t even realize what’s happening to them. Plus, it’s also very unlikely that they have anyone to turn to when suspicions arise.
Those that narcissists perceive as weak and feeble are probably the least exciting victims for them to dominate because they don’t exactly put up a huge fight, yet they are arguably the easiest to exercise power over.
3) Narcissists target people who are fresh out of a troubled relationship
Beware because whenever you are emotionally fragile and vulnerable, you become the perfect profile to target. Breakups are tough to go through and are made even harder when people with toxic personalities sweep in a promise to mend your broken heart. Although narcissists are incapable of loving normally and enjoying healthy relationships, they are cunning enough to feed their partners what they want to hear in order to get them on their side. Plus, they’ll also convince themselves that you are too damaged to walk away and rack up more failure…
4) People that look up to them
Detecting this personality disorder is incredibly challenging, and sufferers know exactly how and when to turn on the charm. Whenever they flip on the charismatic switch, people flock to them and find themselves completely taken in and won over. Those that are susceptible to enjoying attention need to remain vigilant about not falling into a toxic trap. After all, just because someone appears to be a smooth talker, it doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t capable of abuse.
Who do covert narcissists target?
Covert narcissists often target individuals who can provide them with the admiration, validation, and emotional support they crave while allowing them to maintain their facade of humility and sensitivity. Here are the typical targets of covert narcissists:
- 1) Empathetic individuals: People who are highly empathetic and compassionate are prime targets for covert narcissists. Their willingness to understand and support others makes them susceptible to the covert narcissist's manipulative tactics.
- 2) Insecure or low self-esteem: Individuals with low self-esteem or those who are insecure about themselves are often targeted because they are more likely to seek validation and approval, making them easier to control and manipulate.
- 3) High achievers: Covert narcissists may target high achievers or successful individuals to bask in their reflected glory. Associating with accomplished people enhances the narcissist's own self-image and provides a source of admiration.
- 4) People-pleasers: Those who have a strong desire to please others and avoid conflict can be easily manipulated by covert narcissists. Their tendency to prioritize others' needs over their own makes them vulnerable to exploitation.
How to stop being a target for narcissists - 5 Tips to protect yourself 💪
Now, no one wants to end up in a dead-end relationship with a narcissist, but at times we lose control and find ourselves way out of our depth. Although, all is not lost, because you can turn the tide and make active decisions to avoid falling into toxic people’s traps. By following the ensuing tips, you’ll take yourself from a potential victim to someone a narcissist will be too intimidated to even dream of approaching.
- 1) Create boundaries - Be clear about what you are uncomfortable with, and the consequences of heading into that territory with.
- 2) Speak up for yourself - When you have something to say, just say it. Speaking your mind in a clear and concise manner will definitely catch these manipulators off guard.
- 3) Stay calm - No matter what heavy arm tactics they try to use against you, don’t lash out. Opt for the higher ground by remaining calm and collected.
- 4) Get support - Being subjected to this type of abuse is exhausting, meaning you’ll need to blow off some steam whenever you are subjected to it. Plus, someone with a solid entourage scares these folks.
- 5) Learn about this personality disorder - Knowledge is power, and in this case, this couldn’t be truer.
Editor’s opinion - We all need to keep our eyes openRegardless of our success, status, job, or influence, we ultimately all need to realize that we are all potential victims and therefore need to take certain precautions to avoid officially becoming one. We must do everything in our power to converse our mental health and remove ourselves from situations, as well as walk away from people we deem as toxic.
🤗 Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... Let’s do it here and now!
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This is me… I don’t know how to love I just need attention I crave it like a drug god hell me
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