What Makes A Narcissist Panic? 5 Things That Worry Them

Last updated by Katie M.

Dealing with a narcissist is never an easy feat, but understanding what makes these toxic personalities tick is key to avoiding their poisonous grip. Now, although these folks like to make people believe they have everything together and are untouchable, the truth couldn't be any further from this false reality. Narcissists worry like just everyone else, and perhaps even more so because they are living behind a mask and are constantly stressed about being exposed. Although they want people to believe that they are strong and resilient, there are certain things that make them sweat and definitely keep them up at night. Discover the 5 things that send them into panic mode.

What Makes A Narcissist Panic? 5 Things That Worry Them

Now, you must understand that people with narcissist traits are, despite everything they put out into the world, very unsure of themselves. They like to pretend that they are confident and sure of themselves, however, the reality is that they are deeply unhappy in themselves and truly dissatisfied with their surroundings and situation. If you know anything about this personality disorder, you’ll definitely know what triggers sufferers and what circumstances can potentially bring out the worst in them. That’s right, when these individuals panic and lose their cool, bad things tend to happen...

5 Things that narcissists fear the most - These things send them into panic mode 😹

1) The aging process

I know what you’re thinking, everyone hates getting old and certainly no one likes to wake up counting their gray hairs, but it’s unfortunately a fact of life that we ALL have to deal with. Well, not for a narcissist, or at least not in their opinion. These people are nothing short of obsessed with their image and how they look. They want and need to be the most attractive, most fashionable, and most eye-catching people in the room. If people don’t check them out in public, then, according to them, something’s terribly wrong. For them, getting older is synonymous with being less attractive and desirable, and the process is certainly enough to drive them crazy.

>>> Read more on Why do we fear growing up?

2) Being faced with boundaries

If you want to see a narcissist rage, then all you have to do is set up boundaries and start taking control of the situation. These individuals hate being told no and having decisions made for them, so if you start doing this, you could potentially push them over the edge. Being faced with the prospect of losing control of their victims is something that sends them into a frenzy because they aren’t equipped to deal with rules and the principles of normal relationships. Not being in the driving seat is something they really can’t handle and could even encourage them to become more manipulative to regain the lost control.

>>> Learn how to deal with a narcissist

3) Losing their status

Narcissists suffer from overinflated egos and believe they have the right to do as they please, but when they don’t get their way, they often get out of hand. For them, losing their status is the equivalent of losing people’s admiration and therefore feeling ordinary. The sad thing is, individuals with this personality disorder eventually start to believe their own lies and create their own sense of false reality, which they require others to feed into. If, for example, they lose their job or fall on hard times financially, all hell will break loose because they’ll feel judged and lowly. Anything that makes them go from god status to Mr. Ordinary absolutely petrifies them.

4) Receiving criticism

There’s nothing a narcissist hates more than being criticized. Now, I know what you’re about to say, no one likes criticism, but these individuals take their hatred for it to a whole different level. For them, being given pointers or told that something they’ve done isn’t quite up to scratch is a complete nightmare that tortures them. Their god complex leads them to believe that they are perfect and always right, so why would anyone else think differently? Plus, why do these folks even deserve to have opinions on them when they are so untouchable? Criticism is a huge source of stress for them, but it’s not enough to make them reconsider their actions...

>>> Read more on How being in a narcissistic relationship changed me

5) Being unmasked

Narcissists know deep down that their behavior is dangerous and toxic, but that doesn’t mean they want other people to know what they’re really like. They want their friends, family, and coworkers to believe that they are successful, strong, loving, kind, and caring people who should serve as role models to everyone else. Being publicly unmasked by their victims is definitely something that deprives them of sleep. After all, they don’t want to look bad and certainly won’t want to be viewed as an abuser.

💡 Practical tip time 💡 - Healthy coping methods when you feel panicked

A surge of stress is not easy to overcome. But distraction, meditation, relaxation, and breathing exercises can help you block the panic and regain calm. Here’s how:

  • 1) Sit on the floor;
  • 2) Try to breathe slowly, deeply, and in a closed circuit, into your hands or into a paper bag;
  • 3) Don’t let your mind go into negative ruminations. Accept the anxiety that will pass. Panic will only amplify anxiety;
  • 4) Refocus your thoughts on the present moment, without building up doomsday scenarios.

How do you make a narcissist fear losing you?

A narcissist is a mysterious character, plus, we all have in mind this image of a monster planning each of their actions with only one goal, and that is to destroy you. However, in reality, these folks are extremely weak, sick people who are as dependent on you as you are on them. Therefore, to scare them into realizing that they could lose you, there are 5 things to do. After all, perhaps opening their eyes will give them the motivation they need to change their ways.

  • Stop giving them empathy - This will act as a real wake-up call to them.
  • Start living for yourself - By establishing independence, these abusers will really understand the need to behave better.
  • Establish boundaries - Protect yourself and make yourself less accessible to manipulation.
  • Ignore them - By cutting the communication, you’ll eventually learn to put yourself first.
  • Stand up for yourself - When these manipulators see you defending yourself, they’ll instantly get scared that you are coming into your own.

>>> Discover your love attachment style in our quiz

Do narcissists have anxiety attacks?

Yes, narcissists can experience anxiety attacks, although they may manifest differently compared to how anxiety is typically expressed in others. Anxiety attacks in narcissists often stem from threats to their self-image, perceived failures, or situations where they feel they are losing control or admiration from others. These attacks can trigger intense feelings of fear, panic, and vulnerability, despite their usual outward display of confidence and grandiosity. However, narcissists may be less likely to acknowledge or seek help for their anxiety attacks due to their reluctance to admit vulnerability or weakness, which can complicate their emotional responses and relationships further.

Editor’s opinion: Narcissists are cunning; don’t be deceived!

Whether you are in a relationship with one or simply just friends with one, being around these people is extremely harmful for your mental health. Although it may seem tough and even verge on impossible, the only solution to save yourself from the clutches of one is to walk away. If you are unable to take the necessary steps, consider reaching out to a support group or contacting a therapist for guidance.

đŸ€— Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... Let’s do it here and now!


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Katie, M.

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