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Whilst boomers and gen xers are reputed for their strong work ethics, their independence, their self-assurance, and their competitiveness, millennials are branded as quite the opposite. Although we might be painted in the best light, we certainly haven’t had the same luck and circumstances as previous generations. In fact, the sad reality is that we millennials are most likely to suffer from mental health issues such as depression and anxiety than any others, and the reasons below could help explain why.
This is why millennials feel so unhappy
1) They have next to no financial security
Financial security seems like a foreign concept to many of us in this particular age group. Whilst our parents and grandparents were able to seemingly get on the property ladder fairly easily, this, unfortunately, isn’t the case for us. Despite many of us working for hours on end, in jobs that we usually hate, the majority of us usually live from paycheck to paycheck. Today, young people don’t have the luxury of being able to save for a rainy day and with the cost of living stealthily rising, becoming homeowners seems like a distant dream, forcing us to rent overpriced and tiny apartments.
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2) They are riddled with student debt
If you cast your mind all the way back to high school, you’ll probably remember your teachers preaching about the benefits of going to college and attaining the holy grail of education, aka a master’s degree. Well, it turns out that college is damn right expensive and that framed certificate you worked so hard for isn’t exactly the solution to getting you that high-paying job you thought you’d get. In hindsight, college probably isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, although, it has done one thing for you, and that’s lumber you with a lifetime of student loan debt!
3) The job market has never been tougher
Even the most qualified amongst us, are currently working minimum wage jobs because the job market has taken a succession of global hits (thanks Coronavirus!). Although the luckier millennials are in jobs within their field, the consensus is that we are all faced with the prospect of working full-time on stagnant wages that just about pay for you to be able to get into your fancy overly bright office every day. After all, budgeting isn’t a young adult’s best ally for nothing!
4) The future has never been so uncertain
Climate change, global pandemics, social unrest… You name it and the world has definitely got it covered! The sad truth is, our future has never been so shaky, which makes for the perfect recipe for inducing anxiety and depression amongst young people because after all, we’re going to be the ones facing the consequences in the years to come.
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5) Nothing lives up to their expectations
If you’ve ever eagerly purchased something online that you thought would be amazing, yet when you received it, it turned out to be a complete letdown, then you’ll understand a millennial’s view of life. Nothing ever seems to be as good as other people claim it is. Whether it’s in our professional or personal lives, we constantly feel like we are missing out on something, but can’t seem to put our fingers on what it is.
6) They feel stuck
Stuck in dead-end jobs, toxic relationships, and horrible apartments… Yes, that’s the reality for many of us and goes away in explaining why lots of millennials are dissatisfied with where they are at most points in their lives.
7) Their goals seem unattainable
Everything seems out of our grasp, and many of us feel like we have been plunged into a system in which we will never obtain the tools needed for success. Our finances are all pretty much catastrophic, which makes having any semblance of hope pretty much hopeless in this capitalistic society.
8) Loneliness haunts them
There’s probably nothing more paradoxical than what I’m about to say, but let’s do it anyway. In a world where we’ve never been so connected thanks to social media, the truth is that many of us have never felt more lonely. In the age of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, we spend more time idly staring at a screen and envying influencers than actually communicating our feelings and enjoying our lives.
Editor’s opinion - Lost but looking to get betterAlthough many millennials are constantly faced with their own health issues, particularly touching on mental health, they are the most open-minded generation when it comes to ways to get better. Indeed, more so than gen xers or boomers, millennials are very open to the idea of therapy and counseling, after all, there’s no shame in reaching out for help. 😉 🤗 Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... Let’s do it here and now! #BornToBeMe |
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