I Have Nothing In Common With My Boyfriend; Will Things Work Out?

Last updated by Katie M.

"Love is when difference no longer separates". When he says white, I say black. He's a dog person and I prefer cats. If being alike guaranteed a long-lasting relationship, my man and I would be left out in the cold and probably wouldn't last longer than a week together. We’re worlds apart, yet madly in love and use our differences to form a great team, to make discoveries, to gain in organization and even in open-mindedness! The absence of common points is not a flaw, and here’s the proof.

I Have Nothing In Common With My Boyfriend; Will Things Work Out?

If Meghan Markle hadn't married Prince Harry, but instead went for an actor like herself, their story wouldn't have been so cute and would probably have gone unnoticed in the stratosphere. Many couples prove that differences are a strength, and my relationship isn't any different.

My partner and I are completely different, yet here's why it's so fulfilling...

1. We complement each other well

When the passion fades, we start to notice what really matters in a relationship. In addition to his beautiful eyes and his devastating humor, I realize that his reassuring nature calms my omnipresent stress, or that he is a fine cook whereas I am more gifted at eating. I bring my touch of diplomacy to the table, and he’s there to organize things. Thanks to our differences, the strengths of one partner compensate for the weaknesses of the other, and this is real teamwork! Imagine a household made up of two angry or two shy people, it just wouldn’t work... By being efficient and balanced, we pull each other up.

2. He helps me discover a whole new universe

New food, new music groups or new hobbies, I learn something new every day! Well, although I'm not 100% converted yet, I can legitimately say that thanks to him, I can now bear listening to hard rock. Differences are more sources of discussion than sources of conflict or reasons for divorce. As long as you are not closed-minded, expose your own point of view and listen to your partners too.

3. Organization? Concessions? We've got it under control!

It's true, our lack of common ground sometimes poses a problem; especially when we sit at the table. He can't live without meat, and I can. He has never understood the usefulness of soup, and I drink it regularly. But each problem has its solution! It simply requires organization. It is also valid for the choice of vacation location, in turn, we make concessions, we step out of our comfort zone, and we are delighted to make each other happy, because the next time, the roles will be reversed!

4. I didn't ask to go out with my clone

Be careful not to confuse soulmate and double. I don't want my other half and I to become one to the point that our entourage does not even differentiate us. We are a couple, but two people with differences. Differences that must be cultivated because they make me the person I am. Down-to-earth, while he is a great dreamer, organized, while he leaves room for surprise... It is in passing for his character traits, different from mine, that I fell under his spell! After all, only narcissists would like to go out with their clone.

> Read; am I too demanding of my partner? <

5. Loving each other is the most important thing 

Any love coach will tell you; a relationship that is built on difference requires a real capacity for openness, adaptation, understanding and acceptance. In addition to spending time with me and showering me with attention, my man accepts to see the world through my eyes and understands that I have a different way of functioning than he does... and he has no problem with that. I think we have the ultimate proof that he loves me. And without love, none of this would have been possible!

Can a relationship work with nothing in common?

If, as the saying goes, opposites attract, it still seems preferable to have a few common interests. Without seeking absolute mimicry, having endless discussions, and fiery debates, in a word, a stimulating and fruitful exchange allows you to cultivate your relationship. Living privileged moments around your passions is just as rewarding.

In fact, when the first signs of routine appear, if you have no common ground, nothing that can cement the relationship, it quickly becomes problematic. Whilst having absolutely nothing in common might not seem like a huge issue, in the beginning, eventually, it will drive a wedge between you and your partner. That’s right, you’ll soon find that you have nothing to talk about and aren’t exactly excited at the prospect of spending quality time together doing one of your partner’s favorite activities.

Editor's opinion: Having things in common reassures us!

Every relationship is beautifully unique, just like the factors that impact its chances for success. Whilst we don't have to love spending our weekends watching football with our partner, it is important to compromise when it comes to love. I'm not saying you have to do everything together and be attached at the hip, but, having some common ground is essential for a love story to last in the long run.

🤗 Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... Let’s do it here and now!


Hopefully, now you are proud of your differences, and that your couple is stronger for it! 

Article presented by Katie M.

🌻 Discover the world through my eyes.

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Wengood's playlist


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  2. Invalid date
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  4. Beautiful DayU2
  5. Thinking out LoudEd Sheeran
  6. White FlagDido
  7. Lay Me DownSam Smith
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  19. WingsBirdy
  20. Californian SoilLondon Grammar

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