The quest for the perfect career
The first time someone told me outright that I lacked ambition was when I was trying to get a bachelor’s degree in modern literature. They wanted to know why, and couldn’t really see how it would lead me anywhere. Well, all I really wanted was a degree in modern literature and perhaps to be unbeatable at the literature questions in Trivial Pursuit. Even then, everyone already knew that there were few opportunities after a degree in literature, but for me, that was just fine as it gave me time to imagine what I could become.
And in the meantime...
As for my friends, things were serious. Law school for some, business school for others. For them, there was no choice, the future was a position of responsibilities, a remarkable career path, without a hitch, a good salary, a proud mom and dad, and being able to say “hello, I’m a solicitor, a bank manager or a foreign exchange broker.”
One day, I asked Google if it was a big deal to have no ambition. I was surprised to see how many women were complaining on different forums that their partners lacked ambition. In a world of anxiety, economic crisis and mass unemployment, having ambition is a very precious, even seductive quality! But if my career is of little importance to me, I have many ambitions for my personal life. Plans that force me to move on and get up in the morning, yet paradoxically, I don’t think this is essential.
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Ambition requires too much effort
So, is ambition a sort of driving force? How can we go on living if we’re cruelly lacking in it? I don’t believe in that. I believe that happiness isn’t just about getting ahead or amounting to something. I think that we can be much happier if we respect our values and our nature, and if we are in tune with our conscience. Ambition requires efforts that not everybody is willing or able to make. If I can’t make the effort because of a lack of time, energy, money, etc. I run the risk of suffering because I don’t fit the mold. And if I don’t want to succeed because making the effort is too much pressure, too much stress, too much movement for too little pleasure, isn’t it right to accept and assume my slowness, my laziness?
Anyway, I already look like a slacker at Start Up Nation when you compare me to everyone else who’s still at the office when I’m stacking blocks with my son or lounging in the bath. But for me, it’s clear that a lack of ambition, in particular professional ambition, is no big deal. The real question is why, in this day and age even in the midst of a health crisis, working tirelessly is so valued?
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What if I suffer from a lack of ambition?
What if I’m unhappy? It’s true, we can lack ambition and suffer because of it. Professional achievement and success are so highly valued that not finding your driving force can damage your self-confidence. If this is the case, ask yourself if professional ambition would make you truly happy, or if just being successful in your personal life is enough.
Try not to compare yourself to others or seek their approval. The quest for happiness is a very personal thing that is unique to everyone. Ask yourself what your life’s purpose is? What is your driving force, what gets you out of bed in the morning? Do you have a dream? Mull over the motivations that lie dormant in you. The motivations you’ve given up on, put to one side, or that have been put on pause. You can also turn to a professional coach who will help you take stock of your desires. And if your desire is to fulfil yourself without necessarily having ambition, assume it, you will gain in confidence, and you won’t care about what others think anymore.
Why am I not ambitious anymore?
Experiencing a decline in ambition can be concerning and perplexing, but it's a common issue that can arise due to a variety of reasons. Understanding these underlying factors can help you address and potentially reignite your drive and motivation.
- 1) Burnout: Prolonged periods of stress, overwork, and lack of rest can lead to burnout, characterized by physical and emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced professional efficacy. Burnout can significantly dampen your ambition and enthusiasm for goals.
- 2) Life changes: Major life changes such as starting a family, experiencing health issues, or undergoing a significant personal loss can shift priorities and reduce focus on career or personal ambitions.
- 3) Lack of fulfillment: If your current path no longer aligns with your values, interests, or passions, you might feel unmotivated and disconnected from your previous ambitions. This misalignment can lead to a natural decline in drive.
- 4) Mental health issues: Conditions like depression and anxiety can significantly impact your energy levels, motivation, and outlook on life. These issues can make it difficult to maintain or pursue ambitions.
- 5) Fear of failure: Past failures or fear of potential failure can create a mental barrier that discourages you from setting and pursuing ambitious goals. This fear can paralyze your motivation and prevent you from taking risks.
Is it ok if I’m not ambitious?
If you’re reading this article, you no doubt aren’t currently dreaming of landing a job with responsibility or having a remarkable career. In fact, you are likely often told that you lack ambition. But after all, is that so serious? What if there is no such thing as ambition, but rather ambitions? It's true that you may lack professional ambition, that you don't care about your career, and that climbing the social ladder is even less important. However, this does not mean that you have no ambition. It can be elsewhere.
You can seek to make a success of your life in other ways, and aspire to a quiet life, surrounded by those you love. In this case, it is a question of personal ambitions. Your desires and your priorities do not necessarily correspond to those of your parents or your friends, but they are still ambitions. Because ambition is what drives us, what makes us move forward. Self-realization does not necessarily involve social success, but can be achieved in the private sphere. One can have the ambition to devote oneself entirely to one's family. The main thing is to be happy.
💡FAQ 💡 What should I do if I have no career ambition?
It's not uncommon to feel a lack of career ambition at certain points in your life, and it's important to approach this feeling with understanding and self-compassion. Here are some steps you can take if you find yourself lacking career ambition:
1. Reflect on Your Interests: Take some time to explore what genuinely interests you. Sometimes, a lack of ambition stems from not having found a career path that aligns with your passions and values.
2. Set Small Goals: Instead of focusing on long-term career ambitions, set small, achievable goals that can help you build momentum and discover what you enjoy doing.
3. Seek Guidance: Talk to a career counselor, mentor, or trusted friend who can provide perspective and help you identify potential career paths that might resonate with you.
4. Focus on Personal Growth: Sometimes, personal development can reignite your career ambition. Engage in activities that promote self-improvement, such as learning new skills, volunteering, or pursuing hobbies.
5. Accept Where You Are: It's okay to not have everything figured out. Accepting your current state without judgment can reduce stress and open you up to new possibilities when the time is right.
Remember, career ambition can ebb and flow, and it's perfectly normal to experience periods of uncertainty. By taking small steps and being patient with yourself, you can gradually find a path that feels fulfilling and meaningful.
Why am I unmotivated to do anything?
Your laziness, and your tendency to procrastinate (put everything off) may be general or may be specific to your studies. Maybe you lack a goal, or you don't believe in it. If these thoughts take hold of you, the risk is to accumulate frustration, guilt, or delay in your school work, which, in turn, will further demotivate you. You can try to react by consulting tips and tricks to reactivate motivation. There are many causes that can contribute to feeling empty, to losing interest in your current pleasures or relationships, especially during adolescence. Some of them are quite simple, such as fatigue, which can be linked to poor sleep, an unbalanced diet, or a lack of physical activity.
If the feeling of emptiness and the difficulty to motivate oneself are long-lasting and important, it can be due to a variety of disorders, both medical (such as hypothyroidism for example) and psychological or psychological: self-confidence problem, trauma, depressed mood, etc. There are always solutions, but they require support. You must not let discouragement and disinvestment take hold because they affect your studies and your future and can sometimes lead to "self-medicating" by taking drugs or alcohol or by adopting risky behaviors.
Editor’s note: You have the right to be lazyAnd if having no ambition was in fact having the ambition to live in perfect harmony with who we are and our values? And if this idea of ambition and the glorification of hard work was just another social pressure? Are you following? In view of the current period, there’s no need to add an extra mental burden. Find what makes you happy and follow your path, whether it’s ambitious or not!
🤗 Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... Let’s do it here and now!
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Anonyme, 2 years ago