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Humans are the only animal capable of crying. From disputes, bad news, pain, sad music, romantic comedy or daily drama; our emotions have many opportunities to translate into sobs. Do you cry often? If you do, congratulations because crying has so many virtues.
Why does it feel good to cry?
A Dutch study shows that crying brings about a feeling of well-being. Indeed, scientists explain that crying has an impact on mental well-being by changing the chemical composition of the brain.
Why are some people unable to cry when others can?
This question was the basis of the scientists' thinking. After watching a sad movie, those who cried lots returned to a normal state of mind 20 minutes later. Those who did not cry felt no change, and those who cried just a little felt even worse than before.
Crying acts like a bandage for the soul
When we are sad, and we cry and the body releases substances that act as natural tranquilizers. Thus, our pain gradually subsides. Crying releases opiates and oxytocin, which have the ability to soothe pain and act as a natural anesthetic.
Releasing our tears is therefore essential to relaxing when we are anxious, angry, worried or sad. Having tears in our eyes is a normal function, which helps us regulate our emotions, but also brings benefits to our health.
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Is crying good for your health? - Yes, and here's why
- Tears are good for your eyesight because they prevent dehydration by lubricating the eyes. In fact, without the ability to cry, our eyesight would be much more fragile.
- Tears eliminate certain bacteria and thanks to the lysozyme; a fluid contained in the tears; we are protected from certain germs that can cause colds.
- Crying is a real therapy that allows us to reduce the toxins present in our body due to stress.
How to stop crying
We have seen that crying for no reason can be the result of emotional distress and certain pathologies that need to be addressed through a therapeutic and individual pathway to be overcome. In other cases, the difficulty to cry or to always want to cry could be related to behavioral and educational forms learned in childhood, to sociocultural or contextual factors.
In order to stop crying for no apparent reason, it is important to understand what the root causes of this behavior are. If there are behavioral reasons or symptoms of a deeper disorder, it is always best to contact a therapist who can help us find more adaptive behavior patterns or overcome the disorder. Of course, we are always talking about cases where crying occurs for no reason. If we feel sad and find ourselves crying because of a trauma or painful event, it is normal for the emotions to be externalized by crying until the pain is overcome. To stop crying, it is therefore important to elaborate on the problems and causes underlying this behavior.
Editor's note: Get your tissues ready!Crying a weakness? Of course, it isn’t! If in our culture, letting tears flow is a sign of fragility, it is in fact a human reaction and a sign that our body and brain are functioning properly. But, daring to cry is also mentally strengthening and proves that you are capable of:
So, to hell with dry eyes! Holding back tears can be harmful to our health, prevent our negative emotions from being released, and create an accumulation of frustrations. If crying doesn't solve the problems, it's still a step towards more emotional stability. So, let go and release the water works. 🤗 Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... Let’s do it here and now! #BornToBeMe |
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