8 Reasons Why Malignant Narcissists Are So Dangerous

Last updated by Katie M.

If the title of this article hasn’t totally scared you away, then you are no doubt wondering what this beast of a person is really like. Well, a malignant narcissist is a step up from a typical narcissist and adds an antisocial personality disorder to the already intimidating mixture. Combined, these two personality disorders represent the relentless need for control, admiration, and power for selfish reasons, making folks with this diagnosis that bit scarier than classic manipulators. Here’s why these people are so terrifying, and how you can get your own back on them.

8 Reasons Why Malignant Narcissists Are So Dangerous

Malignant narcissism is no doubt the darkest form of narcissism that exists, and even the most aware amongst us can fall victim to it. When it comes to being ruthless, merciless, and heartless, these folks excel in the field and are willing to do anything to get what they want. They shouldn’t be underestimated and have what it takes to cause irreparable damage to their victims.

>>> Read; Am I a narcissist? 10 Signs you are

Why malignant narcissists are so ruthless - 8 Reasons why

Just when you thought you’d heard it all, something even darker spins around to haunt your imagination.

1) They lack total remorse

Unfortunately, these folks are completely merciless and have no pity for anyone but themselves, after all, why would they? Other folks barely exist in their eyes. They are completely ignorant to other people’s pain and don’t care enough to consider what it can actually do either. In short, their selfishness means they’ll always put themselves first and never consider their victim’s struggles.

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2) They take pleasure in inflicting pain on others

Now, narcissists are pretty heartless creatures, however malignant narcissists take evil to the next level and really do get their kicks out of hurting their victims. Inflicting pain makes them feel powerful and in control, plus, knowing that they have what it takes to crush others puts a genuine smile on their face… Making their victims feel bad is their favorite hobby.

3) They are openly aggressive

The scary truth is that they have less control over their mood swings and work in less passive-aggressive ways than typical manipulators, who try and conceal their true intentions. Here, these guys will do anything necessary to get what they want, including openly threaten their victims if they believe it will get them to stay in line.

4) They never accept responsibility for their actions

It’s probably easier to get blood from a stone, than to get these abusers to take accountability for their horrific actions. These devious manipulators are in fact incapable of holding their hands up and accepting the consequences because they are convinced that they never do anything wrong. That’s right, their hugely over inflated ego and pride prevent them for resorting to introspection.

5) They fantasize about crushing people

Revenge is the only thing that motivates these abusers on a daily basis. They love the idea of being able to settle scores as well as taking back control. Unfortunately, if a malignant narcissist believes you have wronged them, they won’t just accept an apology and move on. No, these folks will want to see you suffer in the most evil and excruciating way possible.

>>> Discover the traits of a narcissist

6) They are paranoid

Now, because they are so merciless, they make lots of enemies along their path and don’t hesitate to cross them. Being so hellbent on getting revenge on people means that they often fall into a spiral of paranoia too, because they are continuously convinced that everyone is out to get them, which forces them to become even more despicable as a way of defending themselves.

7) They are unforgiving

Forgiveness is not something that these extreme narcissists are comfortable with. Their immense pride means that they are incapable of moving on from the past and leaving their previous wounds behind them. That being said, their hypocritical nature means that when they are exposed, they demand to be forgiven for their actions…

8) They use, abuse, and discard their victims

Malignant narcissists never approach any given situation without a plan of action, and when it comes to manipulating their victims, they follow the use, abuse, and discard schema. Their cycle of torture is cleverly thought out and ultimately leads to the breakdown of victims and the destruction of their mental health.

>>> What is the narcissist discard phase?

What’s the Difference Between a Narcissist and a Malignant Narcissist?

While all narcissists share traits like egocentricity and a need for validation, not every narcissist is dangerous. Malignant narcissists, however, present an entirely different level of toxicity. Here’s what separates the two:

NarcissistMalignant Narcissist
Focused on admiration and validationThrives on control, dominance, and harm
May hurt others unintentionallyDeliberately inflicts harm on others
Displays selfish behaviorCombines narcissism, manipulation, and paranoia for calculated cruelty

In short: While a typical narcissist craves attention, a malignant narcissist actively seeks to dominate and harm others for their own satisfaction.

What’s the difference between a narcissist and a malignant narcissist?

The difference between a narcissist and a malignant narcissist lies in the severity and toxic nature of their narcissistic behaviors. A narcissist may exhibit traits of egocentricity, a constant need for validation and admiration, and a tendency to put themselves at the center of attention. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are malicious or dangerous to others. 

The malignant narcissist, on the other hand, displays extreme narcissistic traits, combined with manipulative, cruel, and malicious behavior. This type of narcissist is often sadistic, lacks empathy, and deliberately seeks to harm others to achieve his or her own goals. The malignant narcissist may engage in destructive and manipulative acts, causing considerable harm to those around them. In short, the difference lies in the degree of toxicity and dangerousness of narcissistic behavior, with the malignant narcissist displaying traits far more harmful and damaging than those of an ordinary narcissistic person.

How to expose a malignant narcissist

The ultimate step to bringing down a malignant narcissist is to publicly expose the workings of their manipulation. To do this, you must be ready to face their anger and be prepared for the fact that they will seek revenge for this humiliation. Indeed, these devious personalities pay particular attention to their image and work carefully to ensure they are perceived as charismatic, intelligent, and attractive. Now, dismantling this public image by exposing your abuser’s true face will certainly wound him, and symbolize you taking back control. When you are in the process of making ripping away all the bravado, be sure to openly display his hidden objectives too, by saying things like; "you're trying to make me feel guilty", "it looks like you're trying to manipulate me"...

What are the conditions for exposing a malignant narcissist?

The two conditions for public humiliation are the following;

  • 1) You have become fully aware of his mode of operation and be free of his clutches.
  • 2) You need to be sufficiently serene (or to give the impression of being serene), by applying the previous methods, notably counter-manipulation, to be able to negotiate this sensitive operation.

Indeed, these abusers don’t lack resources and if they sense the slightest indecision on your part, they can turn this movement against you, by publicly scorning and discrediting you as someone unstable, hysterical, untrustworthy and therefore unreliable.

 📍 FAQ: Are malignant narcissists violent? 📍 

Yes, malignant narcissistic people can exhibit harmful or problematic behaviors, but it's important to note that not all narcissistic individuals are necessarily dangerous. Malignant narcissism is a personality trait that exists on a spectrum, from relatively healthy to pathological narcissism.

People with pathological narcissism, particularly those with this personality disorder, may be more likely to exhibit behaviors that are potentially harmful to others. They may lack empathy, exploit others to achieve their own goals, have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships, and be prone to aggression or manipulation. However, it's important to note that not all individuals with this personality type are necessarily dangerous and that each person is unique in the way they express their narcissism.

It's important to take precautions and protect yourself if you're in a relationship with a narcissistic person who behaves in an abusive or dangerous way. If you are concerned about your safety or the safety of others, it is advisable to seek help from competent professionals, such as therapists, counselors or organizations specializing in toxic relationships and domestic violence.

 📍 FAQ: What scares a malignant narcissist? 📍 

Malignant narcissists can have fears and vulnerabilities, just like any other person. However, because of their strong need to maintain an image of grandeur and superiority, they can be particularly sensitive to certain situations or events that could threaten this image or challenge their self-esteem.

Here are just a few examples of what might frighten a narcissist:

  • Criticism or rejection: These folks are often highly sensitive to criticism and rejection. They may be afraid of being criticized or disapproved of, as this could undermine their image of grandeur and perfection.
  • Questioning their superiority: They have a constant need to feel superior and to be admired. Any situation or person that questions their status or competence can be a source of fear or destabilization for them.
  • Loss of control: They tend to want to control their environment and the people around them. They may fear losing this control, whether through an unexpected situation, a perceived dependency or a challenge to their authority.
  • Emotional vulnerability: Narcissists may be afraid to show their emotional vulnerability, as this may be perceived as weakness. They may therefore be reluctant to open up or express their true feelings.
  • Loss of admiration or attention: They need admiration and attention to maintain their self-esteem. The possibility of losing this admiration or of not being the center of attention can make them anxious or fearful.

It's important to note that every narcissistic individual is different, and specific fears may vary from person to person. A narcissist's fears and vulnerabilities may also be complex and linked to other factors in their personal history and development.

 💡FAQ 💡 What are the characteristics of malignant narcissist eyes? 

Malignant narcissists often exhibit certain characteristics in their eyes that can be unsettling and indicative of their manipulative and malevolent nature. Here are some common traits associated with the eyes of a malignant narcissist:

1. Intense Stare: Malignant narcissists often have a piercing, intense stare that can make others feel uncomfortable or intimidated. This stare is used to exert control and dominance over others.

2. Lack of Warmth: Their eyes may appear cold and devoid of genuine warmth or empathy. This lack of emotional connection can be unsettling to those who interact with them.

3. Predatory Gaze: Malignant narcissists may exhibit a predatory gaze, as if they are constantly assessing and evaluating others for their own gain. This gaze can feel invasive and threatening.

4. Shifts in Expression: Their eyes can quickly shift from charm to anger or disdain, reflecting their manipulative and volatile nature. These rapid changes can be confusing and disorienting for those around them.

5. Glare of Contempt: Malignant narcissists often display a glare of contempt when they feel challenged or disrespected. This glare is a way to assert their superiority and dismiss others.

While these characteristics can be indicative of a malignant narcissist, it's important to remember that behaviors and traits should be considered in context. If you suspect someone exhibits these traits, it's crucial to prioritize your own safety and well-being.

Editor’s opinion - Be brave in the face of these abusers

Standing up to these type of personalities is never an easy task to undertake, however, it is an essential step towards freeing yourself from the grasp of an abuser. Finding the courage to free yourself may be a long and winding road, although, it will be worth it in the long run and an essential part of preserving your mental health.

🤗 Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... Let’s do it here and now!


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Article presented by
Katie, M.

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"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." 

- Oscar Wilde