Start by… finding meaning
Let’s not put the cart before the horse. If you want to get your life back on track, you need to start by looking inward and using introspection, otherwise you can quickly feel lost. To do this, you need to ask yourself this key question: why do I want to get my act together? 🤔 This helps us to understand what we’re unsatisfied with and to see if we are aligned with our deepest values and desires. So we can do a big rethink and a small one to establish small changes. Whatever the case, a clear reason helps us to give more meaning to our actions.
💬 For example, I couldn’t stand having constant pain in my body: back pain, shoulder pain, leg pain, etc. I didn’t want to suffer anymore, and that was a real source of motivation. |
When you know why you want to change, you have a clear goal. So you’re more likely to commit to change, even when it’s difficult, and you feel like going back into your comfort zone. Manage to hang in there and persevere to overcome the difficulties you encounter 💪.
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Start by… defining your goals
Now that it’s a little less hazy, we need to establish precise goals. Yes, it’s like preparing for a trip: you need to know where you’re going. With objectives, you have a guideline, and above all, you move forward step by step. It’s no good trying to do everything quickly. By defining clear goals, you take your time more ⏳.
👉 Let me retake my example. Initially, I wasn’t sure where to start to ease my pain, so I saw my doctor. From there, I was able to have physiotherapy and realized that I needed to get back into sport. My goals were as follows:
- Find a suitable sport that I enjoy,
- Make an appointment for an introduction,
- Register,
- Set up a specific day when I go to the gym,
- Go at least once a week.
Of course, it’s a small way of getting my act together. Other people need to find meaning in their lives and take more steps to achieve their change.
Start by… taking time for yourself
Whatever your family or romantic situation, taking charge of your life means learning to make time for yourself. I’m in a relationship and I don’t have any children, but I still made very little time for myself until I became aware of it. You need to give yourself quality time, time that allows you to recharge your batteries and take a step back.
To do this, you need to sort things out and organize your time better. This often means being less of a perfectionist or being less lazy. I’m affected by both: either I spend far too much time doing something because I want it to be perfect, or I put everything off until the next day and scroll on my phone for hours 😅... It’s all about getting rid of bad habits so that you can make time for change. So you can do a sport, meditate, have a body treatment, learn a new activity, cook to eat more healthily, etc. In any case, it’s enabled me to set up a sports session at least once a week 🏃♀️!
>>> Read; The 12 steps to follow if you want a fresh start
Start by… finding support
Getting your act together is a process that sometimes takes time. You don’t wake up completely transformed overnight. There are ups and downs, and that’s normal and human. You need to forgive yourself and celebrate the small victories. Every time I’ve gone out to do sport, I’ve savored my achievement to the full. However, even if you’ve done all the previous steps perfectly, you can still lose your momentum and quickly fall back into your old habits. So don’t hesitate to get support, either from those around you or from a professional. I thought about taking on a sports coach, but I preferred to take yoga classes to move more gently. Above all, avoiding pain was motivation enough for me 😪.
We don’t all react in the same way, and we don’t all have the same goals, so we shouldn’t compare ourselves. Whether you decide to take charge of your life for small changes or to pull a 180, you need to recognize when you need help. What’s more, starting by looking for support can be the best way to get your foot in the door ;).
Editor’s insight: Every step is a victoryDon’t forget, that every step, however small, is a victory in itself. If the road to getting back on track sometimes seems winding, don’t hesitate to look for a guide. A psychologist can be that lighthouse in the storm, helping you navigate through life’s challenges. So why not make an appointment? After all, the greatest journey always begins with the first step. Smile, breathe, and move forward at your own pace. You’re not alone, our psychologists are waiting for you.
🤗 Understanding yourself, accepting yourself, being happy... It’s here and now! #BornToBeMe
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