This year, I’m giving up on New Year’s Resolutions
I already gave up last year, but now, with the tense atmosphere around us, the opportunity is just too good to resist letting go of something I probably won’t do—or will barely do. Because yes, there’s a problem with the term “resolution.” It implies resigning oneself to something, which is a bit demotivating, and often feels like a chore.
💬 If I decide to lose weight, I immediately picture myself sweating, doing planks in overly tight leggings, letting out little groans of pain. Uh, no, thanks 😭!
And anyway, changing something just because the year is changing doesn’t really work for me, and I don’t feel like adding extra pressure in an already anxiety-inducing context!
This year, I’ve decided to focus on pleasure and leave New Year’s resolutions behind 😊.
👋 You might find this article interesting: Changing your habits could be the key to happiness
New Year’s Resolutions or good feelings?
Unless… What if I looked at things differently? 🤔
New Year’s resolutions tend to discourage us because they’re often unpleasant. But what if instead of asking myself, “How do I want to be?” I asked, “How do I want to feel?” What if I saw them as a transition ritual?
If I start the year telling myself I’ll exercise because I have big thighs and still need to lose 3 kilos, I’m not setting myself up for success (and it’s outright fatphobic). But if I think about how I want to feel, it’s more like:
I’ll exercise because I want to feel confident, strong, powerful, more relaxed, etc.
Maybe that’s something I can stick to 🤗.
Honestly, the world is already hard enough without adding constraints and a sense of failure with resolutions that are far from our true goals. Because that’s what it’s all about: setting goals to achieve a bigger purpose.
Avoid Trying to Revolutionize Everything
It’s important to find purpose in life to better set our goals and achieve what makes us dream. To do this, we shouldn’t make drastic changes, but instead opt for micro-habits that help us feel better, gain serenity, and confidence, and change gradually 🤗.
Here are a few small habits to adopt in 2025 if you need inspiration (but again, no pressure!):
- 👉 Don’t check your phone right after waking up,
- 👉 Practice self-praise,
- 👉 Get into the habit of writing down your feelings and emotions,
- 👉 Occasionally have coffee alone to observe life,
- 👉 Say “thank you” instead of “sorry”,
- 👉 Do a little tidying up each day,
- 👉 Say “I love you” more often to your loved ones,
- 👉 Visualize positive outcomes for all your romantic, friendly, or professional meetings,
- 👉 Occasionally take a different route to work,
- 👉 Learn to let things go: less stress, less offense, less annoyance,
- And so on.
It’s up to you to find which small habits you can adopt or modify to feel more aligned with yourself 😉!
Editorial Note: No Pressure!In 2025, let’s embrace authenticity and letting go. Less pressure, more lightness. Fewer demands, more self-listening. What if the key to change lies in accepting who we are, here and now? Don’t hesitate to seek support in this process. Talking with a coach can help you clarify your deeper aspirations and set goals aligned with your values. With kindness and at your own pace, carve your own path toward a life that truly reflects you. 🤗 Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... It starts here and now! #BornToBeMe Connect with an advisor |
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