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7 tips to do away with that bloated stomach
Comfortable in my body, comfortable in my mind!
1. Control your stress
It’s easier said than done because I’ve never been able to calm down quickly when feeling stressed. However, my tummy will be delighted with this! Because stress is the stomach’s worst enemy. In fact, anxiety means some of the organs in my body react by preventing blood from circulating freely in my digestive tract… I’ll give you some more detail. I feel heavy and bloated. So, it’s time I put on my trainers and start doing some sport. It’s the best way to get rid of my excessive amount of emotions and help out my digestive system (all whilst strengthening my stomach too…). I can also work on my breathing in order to feel less heavy and more relaxed. Yoga, pilates, meditation… I’m coming for you!
2. Eat healthy foods
Once I am totally relaxed, I can move on to the second phase of the plan. This is all to do with food, because I would never have a flat stomach if I only ate foods high in calories, which retain water in the body and can cause aerophagia. This means I can already cross of dairy products, cold meats, ready meals, fizzy drinks and devilish chewing gum from my shopping list. Instead, I’ll head to the fruit and veg isle as well as purchase wholegrain cereals and foods high in protein.
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With regard to food, remember that putting a tablespoon of baking soda into vegetables that are being cooked will prevent them from fermenting. Also, start eating fruit between meals if you’re hungry!
3. Drink lots of water
There is a scientific reason for this: when we go on a diet, our body struggles and cries out for fat. And when it’s dehydrated, it retains fluid. This is why huge amounts of water build up in my stomach and cause bloating. In order to feel less bloated, and improve my digestive flow, I drink around 1.5 litres of water a day. I can also opt for other drinks, such as herbal and green teas, which are also very good for you. To boost the benefits gained from the dietary changes I have made, I will start each day drinking a big glass of lukewarm water, with or without lemon.
4. Count to 10 in between mouthfuls
Eating well is good, but eating slowly is even better. Chewing my food before swallowing it will ensure that digestion starts in my mouth and will therefore prevent the effect of blockages in my stomach and, subsequently, my intestines. You’ll soon see how much eating slowly makes a difference to your stomach!
5. Sit up straight and proud
Given that I spend more than 7 hours a day sitting down, it would be useful to know that I am doing it right! The more I slouch, the less firm my core will be. Not only do I build up strength in my muscles and avoid getting knots in my stomach, but I also prevent myself from developing a hunchback.
6. Give yourself massages
There’s no need to be a trained physiotherapist to become a masseuse. I just have to identify the point situated 3 fingers below my bellybutton, lay my hands down flat on my stomach, palms up to my bellybutton, and press on that area. I then move them outwards whilst breathing in, then breathing out. I repeat this process 3 times and then take a break… I then do it all 3 times again halfway up between this point and my bellybutton, then 3 final times up to my bellybutton! This is ideal for aiding digestion, getting rid of that heavy feeling and limiting the build-up of fat.
7. Work on your abs
And I find out that just one minute can feel like a very long time when trying to hold a position aimed at strengthening your core. There are many exercises out there, so no matter what my level, I have no excuse for avoiding my yoga mat. If I do this for 10 minutes every day, I can make my stomach flatter in just a few weeks. Muscly abs go hand in hand with a flat stomach.
Editor’s opinion – Don’t be angry with your bloated stomachA stomach has a thousand faces. In just one day, it can go from being as flat as a breadboard to as round as a balloon. Women are especially prone to this. The stomach reflects what is going on in our organs, with our hormones and what mood we are in. Being frustrated or annoyed will not help the situation. So, accept it, be kind to your stomach and it will return the favor! |
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