Inner Weather, A Simple And Very Enlightening Exercise

Last updated by Rosie Harlow

In my late teens, I was very angry, and didn’t really know how to process my feelings. I frequently had this rumbling feeling that was bursting inside me. It was a storm. Without knowing, it yet, I was reporting my inner weather. The most effective metaphor for taking stock of your emotions.

Inner Weather, A Simple And Very Enlightening Exercise

Emotions, did you say emotions?

Let’s face it, when it comes to expressing our emotions, and putting our feelings into words, it’s complicated. The concern is that an expressed emotion is an emotion that’s recognized, accepted, and sometimes even managed. I tend to think that saying “I'm going for a walk because I’m angry” is more constructive than chucking the first object we see across the room. In short, emotions are difficult to decipher and express as adults, and it’s even worse when you’re a child. So there are tools such as the wheel of emotions, but the exercise I’m proposing you discover today has something more beautiful, more sensitive, since it’s about making the link between our emotions and the weather. It encourages us, in a way, to take stock of ourselves, while connecting with nature 🍃. Inspiring!

>>> Discover; How to manage your emotions

Why is the weather the ideal tool for evoking emotions?

If I sum up by saying that when it rains you feel down and when it’s sunny you dance at breakfast, does that make sense to you? Yes, we’re all, to a greater or lesser extent, sensitive to the weather, and we feel it, especially during the change of seasons with the winter blues for example.

The weather, therefore, has an influence on our emotions, but the reason it’s effective for expressing our emotions is that, like them, it fluctuates and allows us to put concrete images on a sometimes vague feeling. Isn’t it just simpler to say that we feel like we’re feeling foggy inside, rather than trying to understand whether we’re more worried than concerned? Let’s say that the two aren’t opposed, but that using the weather allows us to understand our emotions before being able to refine it in order to seek what we need.

A bad weather alert or a little lull? How to read your inner weather report?

Our emotions are important because they tell us about our needs and the choices we can make. They’re the source of our well-being. Too often we’ve learned to hide our emotions: “there’s no point getting angry", "it’s not worth crying about", "you shouldn’t be afraid". Often because as a child, they take up so much space and can overwhelm some parents. This is one of the reasons why the inner weather exercise is very interesting to do with children, but it can also be used throughout your life. Because it’s never too late to reconnect with your emotions ❤️‍🩹.

>>> Read; What are the 6 primary emotions?

A little exercise in inner weather 🧘‍♀️

It is an exercise that can be done every day or more occasionally during times that are a little delicate or when faced with a particular event (new school year, job interview, exam, wedding, sports competition, break-up, etc.). Our inner weather is fully aware of it. We, therefore, need to concentrate on ourselves and everything that’s happening inside us. Then the question is simple: what’s the weather like inside me? Clear. Sunny but with some clouds. Cloudy and rainy.

Initially, taking stock of our inner weather allows us to reconnect with emotions that we’ve too often managed to keep silent. Then with time, by recognizing our emotions more regularly, we can welcome them, express them and understand their message and therefore what we need (affection, rest, solitude, sport, food, etc. Here the wheel of emotions can be used as a complement).

❗ Whether you do this exercise alone, with a partner or in a group, non-judgement is very important. We’ll also do without any comments. No thoughts about your weather or anyone else’s. If the weather’s bad, just ask or ask yourself how you can help or help yourself. ⬇️

An emotion = a need to be satisfied

Inner weather exercise for children

For very young children, we often need to use a support. Like us, make or print out cards with the most common weather phenomena in a simple way. Explain which emotions they relate to and ask the child to think about them, and then show you the card that corresponds to their feelings.









Then propose a solution card to meet the need that generates the emotion.


  • A hug, a kiss, a kind word, the words or presence of someone you love.


  • The umbrella serves as protection against negative thoughts and criticism.

  • The hiding place is a refuge where we go to relax, calm down and regain our strength.

  • It’s a place of serenity that we invent for ourselves to find our calm, to feel protected and peaceful. We create this bubble around ourselves, in which we breathe to feel better and rest.

  • Singing, scribbling, coloring, writing or saying what’s on our mind. All means of expression are good to allow us to go through an emotion.

Gauging your inner weather: The benefits

As well as reconnecting, welcoming and expressing our emotions in a healthy setting, as we repeat this exercise, it helps us to relax, accept and move through the negative emotions that may come our way. There’s nothing harder than getting rid of a negative emotion that we refuse to see. For ourselves, as a family with our children, in a relationship or even at work, the inner weather also enables us to enrich our exchanges and better understand what’s going on inside those we share our lives with. Without judgement and with empathy.

>>> Read; Why restricting your emotions is harmful

Editor’s note: A wonderful tool

The inner weather is a wonderful exercise whether you’re a child or an adult. It allows you to make your emotions more concrete and better accept them. Right now, it’s raining, it’s stormy, but we know that it will pass in the end... If you have problems managing your emotions, if they overwhelm you, if you feel bad, don’t hesitate to make an appointment with a psychologist.

🤗 Understanding yourself, accepting yourself, being happy... It’s here and now!


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Article presented by
Rosie, Harlow

"Writing has always been a form of therapy for me. For as long as I can remember, I have always used paper as a punching bag. Get to know me, I am Rosie Harlow."

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