What Do Narcissists Hate The Most? - 10 Things That Drive Them Crazy

Last updated by Katie M.

Knowing what narcissist manipulators hates can help victims to break free from their evil psychological grip. Indeed, even these manipulators see themselves as invulnerable beings, their victims often ignore how their pathological narcissism makes them suffer in many ways. 😱 Let's take a closer look at what these cunning beings cannot stand, and what exactly drives them wild. Now, we all get angry for one reason or another, but people with this personality disorder have different triggers related to the things they despise.

What Do Narcissists Hate The Most? - 10 Things That Drive Them Crazy

When people with narcissistic traits decide they hate something, all hell breaks loose and no one in their perimeter is safe and trust me, I should know because I’ve been there, done that and bought the t-shirt with my ex 😭. My ex was a complete narcissist, so I know firsthand what gets under these vindictive people’s skin.

10 Things that narcissists hate more than anything else 🙈

1) Narcissists hate losing control 

Control is a narcissist's best ally, and they need it in order to be able to sink their claws into their victims. From deciding where to go out to eat, to taking the lead in conversations, these personalities will want to be the ones pulling the strings and if people don’t get on board, well that’s just too bad. They feel the need to be the one who decides and feel entitled to take the lead in all circumstances. Negotiation with these folks is literally a distant dream because they will only ever take their opinion into consideration.

2) They despise feeling looked down on

No one likes to feel disrespected, but narcissists simply just can’t accept the feeling. When they believe that someone has started to lose their admiration for them, things could take a dangerous turn because they’ll do anything to win back that triumphant feeling of being looked up to. 😡 After all, these guys need to be told that they are the best looking, the smartest and the most interesting people on the block.

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3) They can't stand strong personalities

Now, the thing is, folks with this personality disorder are completely jealous of other people. Be it for their possessions, their success or their abilities; the bottom line is they’ll always be envious of those they believe are truly respected for their authentic selves. It’s important to remember that these people are only put on a facade that they are strong, confident and respectable, yep, they’re only hiding behind a well-constructed mask and really don’t view themselves very highly.

4) They won't put up with being lectured and challenged on what they claim to know

Now, this point could really make them see red! It’s not uncommon for sufferers to believe their own hype and to convince themselves and others for that matter of fact that they are experts in certain areas. Whether they believe they are completely up-to-date with current affairs, foreign policy or even the history of football, they’ll hate anyone else invading their so-called territory and claiming to know a thing or two. Jealousy also comes into play here and makes them feel threatened and undermined by folks they obviously consider to be inferior to themselves.

5) They despise being told no

Okay, so imagine the consequences of showing a red rag to a bull, well, a victim finally standing up for themselves would probably produce the same effects. ❌ People with narcissistic tendencies hate being told no because they believe themselves to be superior and know better than everyone else, so why would anyone need to go against them and affirm their views?

6) They don't like seeing other people happy

You’ve probably guessed by now, but we’re dealing with inherently unhappy and dissatisfied personalities, who struggle to love themselves. Their battles with their self-image mean they can’t stand being around those that seem secure and happy with their lives and situation.

7) Narcissists hate being confronted with the ugly truth

I’d be lying if I said these guys were the bravest when it comes to facing up to their realities and realizing who they are. In fact, admitting their weaknesses to themselves is something they are equipped to do. After all, feeling bad about themselves goes against their mantra of making themselves look and feel good at all times. Plus, no one really wants to admit that they are manipulative, controlling and dishonest.

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8) They despise when someone else steals the limelight

How dare anyone steal a narcissist’s glory, and if you choose to do so, you’d best be prepared to face their wrath! 🪩 The truth of the matter is that these personalities can’t stand the idea of anyone in their entourage succeeding or doing better than them. Competition is everything for them, and second place is definitely out of the question.

9) They get frustrated at not being unable to manipulate their victims

This is undeniably their biggest source of frustration ever. These personalities don’t exist if they have no one to manipulate and control. Manipulation is their biggest hobby, so when their victims find their voice and decide enough is enough, a feeling of anger and emptiness washes over them.

10) Do narcissists hate being ignored? - Yes, they detest it!

✋ When all eyes aren’t on them, and they aren’t being made to feel special, you can count on drama starting. You must remember that these folks have over inflated egos, which mean they need to command your attention and have you at their beck and call at all hours of the day and night for that matter. When a narcissist is ignored, they may feel a sense of insignificance or rejection. In response, they may exhibit various behaviors to regain the attention and control they desire. This could include seeking attention from other sources, attempting to provoke a reaction, or employing manipulative tactics to regain their perceived superiority.

>>> Am I a narcissist? Take the test here

💡FAQ 💡 What personality type do narcissists hate?

In short, narcissists hate people with strong personalities, especially those of them that are capable of standing up for themselves and saying no.

Contrary to what one might think, narcissistic personalities are usually weak individuals. For them, anything they cannot control is synonymous with potential danger. They particularly fear people with sociable characters and will use their charm to make them drop their guard. At the beginning of the relationship, the manipulator is always a pleasant person whom you would trust completely. In reality, they act by gaining the trust of their partner and making them feel secure in order to manipulate and control them more effectively.

Do narcissists hate themselves? 😔

The answer is yes, however, these folks will never admit it! People with this personality disorder are shrouded with self-loathing and hate, but are too proud to seek help for these issues. Now, whilst they may appear to be confident and powerful, this image is in fact just a well-put- facade, designed to hide what they perceive as their weaknesses. 

Narcissists don’t have the capacity to love themselves, due to their dramatically low self-esteem, which therefore means that they often become trapped in a dangerous spiral of self-hate. A narcissist is essentially jealous of everyone around them, and that’s why they take such pleasure in destroying and tormenting their victims. Now, whilst they appear confident, these folks would all struggle to genuinely find something they loved about themselves. They lack of love they experienced in their childhood develops into a whole life of self-despising as an adult.

Whatever your relationship with a narcissist, it is important to remind yourself that they only put out into the world what they want other people to see. Indeed, they hide their flaws behind carefully constructed disguises and are never really prepared to address the root of their problems.

>>> Discover how to deal with a narcissist

💡 Practical tip time - How to protect yourself from the toxicity of a narcissist 

Avoid. Defend yourself. Evacuate. Here are a few ways to protect yourself from a toxic relationship with a narcissist.
1. Avoid
Avoidance means limiting contact with the narcissist as much as possible. And sometimes that means cutting ties altogether. After all, if you're not around it, it can't poison you.
⚠️ A word of warning: before breaking off all ties, I suggest you have a frank discussion with the person concerned. Let's say you feel that your friend doesn't respect your limits, or that your partner disregards your needs. It may be that he hasn't realized it yet. If you don't tell him, he won't be able to adjust and change his attitude towards you. But you have to give him a chance. And if you end the relationship without talking, you run the risk of repeating the same situation. That's what creates the famous patterns. So you have to break the silence to break the pattern.
2. Stand up for yourself
I don't recommend putting up with a toxic exchange without saying anything. It's in your best interest to speak up, denounce and defend yourself. It's not a question of starting a big discussion. You could, for example, react by simply saying:
  • I don't accept being treated like this.

What happens when a narcissist knows you hate them?

When a narcissist figures out that you hate and resent them, they step their behavior up and become even more diabolical 😈. Narcissists are very self-aware and always determine what other people, especially their victims, think of them. Yet, this only spurs them on and encourages them to sink their claws into their prey even more. When they realize that they are disliked, they will become even more manipulative and controlling. They will create rumors about their victims and attempt to flip the tables and make themselves look like the person being manipulated. These controlling personalities don’t exactly react well to being disliked, and that’s mainly because they have a facade to keep up with others.

Editor’s opinion: Stand strong and don’t back down

People with narcissistic personalities will do anything to remain in control and get what they want, so don’t be drawn into their little games when they claim that you’ve done something to hurt their feelings. There are many things that get to us, but don’t let yourself be tricked into feeling guilty about things that have allegedly upset them because this will be a catalyst to gaining your sympathy vote.

🤗 Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... Let’s do it here and now!


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Article presented by Katie M.

🌻 Discover the world through my eyes.

my mother was a malignat Narcaissit as well as my only older sister, Ireally do NOT know how isurvived it even with Gods help! I finally broke ties completley. forgive my spellingi have stage4 cancer vision is getting bad. im super tough chick! ive battled cancer stage 4 like i stated for almost 9 yeasr!!!!! no meds! they didnt help. You are sooo very correct about jealously to a unthnkable level! and whatever crazy thing no matter HOW unrealistic like where the heckever gave them THAT belief and the crazy bitc#s that tell her stuff are absolutley100% more credible than anyone EVEN GOD! notice ...bitchs is plural! they will literally attack you even put you in position to hope and pray for your death!!!! what i have come to realize there brain is so messed up they think its not! they think weall think like them! so when they accuse you of shit, its telling on themsefves! because thats what they would do to someone! they really think this! because when you say only You would do that... they freak! my sister would meltdown with rage when i told her its brain damage mental illness and shes demon possed she for fist time in 55 years has completely left me alone! i love her she has put me through probably worse than hell. last part of my life, I demand peace love and respest.she is even trying to compete with me beig terima!! i told her no worries i will let you WIN!!!!! bonkers , demon possetcion usedto be a possibility now i am 100% in mybelif its demons! possetcion andor aattachment same thing to me! fact , she CANNOT love, only hate, pleaseur in your pain, actually it tickles them fricken pink! eyes so joyful like a child at chrismas eyes lit up sparkling with the anticipation on just how much pain and sorrow o see u sufferin! more u suffer the more pleasureutter stimulation they get off so so back on peoples pain. THAT alone is proof to me it is PURE EVIL! aka, whos there idol, daddy ? the aspire to be as evil as him because a bonus as well sadism =pure joy,your demise gifts them with control! hey they would probably orgasm just for being fist out of us to have a vanearal disease! not making this up! now thats scary!!!! I was forced tolive with two of them!!!! more proof God is real!!!!

melissa a year ago

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