7 Sweet Ways To Prove Your Feelings Without Actually Say I Love You

Last updated by Katie M.

‘I love you’. This famous declaration is composed of 3 little words, yet when they are put together, they instantly become powerful. When it comes to romance, there are so many ways to express your feelings without even having to say this magical phrase. In fact, if you focus on people’s gestures, looks and actions, you’ll soon see some of them conceal beautiful declarations. Do you have what it takes to decipher them? Do you want to confess your love differently? If so, check out our ideas here.

7 Sweet Ways To Prove Your Feelings Without Actually Say I Love You

How can you reassure your partner of your feelings without saying 'I love you'?

It is important to express one's love, spontaneously, through words (not only "I love you", but for example "I feel good with you"), gestures, daily attention, gifts... The more you express your emotions, the more it enriches the relationship, encourages the other person to also express what he or she feels, and facilitates communication within the couple. To encourage the other person to express his or her emotions, express them sincerely and spontaneously as often as possible.

1. Give them adoringly cute looks

Look at your partner with affection, especially when you first wake up. This will reassure them of your feelings and make it clear that despite their flaws, you still accept them. It will also encourage them to act natural with you. After all, the eyes are known as the windows to the soul.

2. Be unconditionally supportive of them

Whether you dream of starting your own company, have to move miles away to do so, know that I’m behind you every step of the way. I am ready to do anything in order to help you achieve your goals, and I’ll do everything in my power to turn your dreams into reality. I want to be a springboard to your success and will act like a teammate you can count on.

3. Listen actively to them

In a relationship, communication is paramount, and listening is just as important as talking. You don't have to say "I love you" when you know I'm supportive and considerate, I am. Whether you want to tell me how awful your day was, or about the last book you read, I’ll be there for you.

>>> Discover Gary Chapman's languages of love.

4. Show them meaningful attentions

If I made a declaration of love to you every time I wanted to take care of you, believe me, you would probably soon have enough of it. Every time, I say, "Be careful when you go home alone. "Aren't you cold?" "I'll help you carry this! "I disguise these as "I love you". Count them, and you'll see!

5. Share your space

There's a difference between making someone feel cared for and invading their living space. Good balance is indeed one of the secrets of lasting relationship, and I'm always happy to share my time with you and offer you some.

6. Being spontaneous and fun

Be it through post-it notes left all over your apartment, or a last-minute invitation to dinner, I am in fact showing you that I care about you and what we have. After all, who doesn't feel treasured when they find a "Have a nice day!” left on the fridge? Personally, I find that actions speak louder than words.

7. Show them tender gestures

Some people prefer to hold their partner's hand in the street, or even caress their shoulder or the back of their head when they are close by... By being tactile, cuddly and demonstrative, I am showing you my affection for you.

>>> Discover our selection of the 15 most romantic quotes.

The editor’s advice - Overcoming the fear of those three words

Some people are dying to say these words, but they get stuck in their throat. Psychologist Claude Allais explains that this blockage is due to an inner conflict, he explains: "The desire to express love is inhibited by fear. Fear of being judged, despised, enslaved or experiencing a sense of abandonment is what drives many people to implement avoidance strategies."

While waiting to be fully reassured about the sincerity of a partner, people often resort to gestures or attentions to express their feelings. However, the problem persists, especially when we are convinced that for love to be true, we need to constantly fall over each other and shout about our feelings from the rooftops.

Alain Delourme, offers this solution: "Say what you feel. Your beating heart, the desire to embrace your partner, to make plans for the future... Welcome what comes and goes, without feeling forced to say anything." Your partner will in turn be reassured, and you will be able to move forward together.

🤗 Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... Let’s do it here and now!


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Wengood's playlist


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  2. Invalid date
  3. Fix YouColdplay
  4. Beautiful DayU2
  5. Thinking out LoudEd Sheeran
  6. White FlagDido
  7. Lay Me DownSam Smith
  8. Nine Million BicyclesKatie Melua
  9. Put Your Records OnCorinne Bailey Rae
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  12. Shake It OutFlorence + The Machine
  13. Space Oddity - Love You Til Tuesday versionDavid Bowie
  14. What A Wonderful WorldLouis Armstrong
  15. With Or Without YouU2
  16. HelloAdele
  17. Don't Stop Me NowQueen
  18. Skinny LoveBirdy
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