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Why don’t I feel able to work anymore?
Understanding the reasons for our inability to work is essential. This allows us to target what’s blocking us and act accordingly to stop suffering 🤕. Yes, this is a real problem that reflects a form of exhaustion, which is why it’s important to decipher what we’re feeling and do some introspection.
👉 1. Too much work
Too many tasks and meetings, too big objectives, too short deadlines… Let’s start with one of the main reasons for unhappiness at work, which is of course when we’re overloaded and can’t manage everything anymore. Moreover, it’s frowned upon to say to your superiors that you want to work less… Nevertheless, if our fatigue and irritability are chronic, it’s a sign that we should sound the alarm. Otherwise, it means that we’re heading straight for a burn-out, if this isn’t already the case to some extent 😥.
>>> Read; I hate my job
👉 2. A lack of self-confidence
Not feeling able to work anymore can come from the impostor syndrome, which is due to a lack of self-confidence 😫. We feel like we aren’t good enough for the job, and we don’t/no longer believe in our abilities. Obviously, it’s hard to be able to work if you think you’re a failure… It can even go further, as far as ergophobia, which is the fear of working. People who suffer from it are unable to enter the professional world, as it terrorizes them so much 😨.
👉 3. A lack of recognition
You may also feel that you’re no longer able to work because there’s a lack of professional recognition. Feeling like you’re blocked, that you can’t evolve professionally, and that you’re not valued by your superiors only contributes to this feeling of being unable to work. Being well paid is a good start, but it’s not enough. If you never get positive feedback on your productivity, you feel worthless. This only generates resentment and negativity, which only fuels our exhaustion at work 😥.
👉 4. A need to see something else
One reason we don’t always think about is dissatisfaction with our job. If our values aren’t in line with the company’s, or if it’s more generally our tasks that we don’t like anymore, it may be time to make a career change. You need to look at work from a different point of view, you can try to take up your passion and turn it into a job! Work doesn’t have to be an office job like “The Office”, you can try to explore other areas.
The Office, is a series that parodies the professional world with office work.
We can decide to do whatever we want, the important thing is that we like it and that we give ourselves the means to change jobs.
👉 5. An unpleasant working environment
We often talk about the tasks we have to do and the work itself, but we often forget that the working environment is just as important. I’m very happy working from home, but I know that for some employees, working from home is more tiring, and they prefer to come to the workplace. It’s true that it allows for more human contact! That is, if you get on well with your colleagues and manage to work as a team… Because yes, that too can influence your ability to work. The environment counts just as much and in many ways!
📌 Personally, I know that I could have been exhausted because I didn’t know where to turn. In total, I have 3 professional activities, which have ended up bringing me to my knees. For example, I’ve been creating content on social media for 10 years, and sometimes I think that a digital detox wouldn’t hurt. I’ve accumulated too much and this was without counting a lack of organization which only made the situation worse. So I took matters into my own hands to prevent things from going too far off the rails, and I had to take my foot off the pedal very quickly to make this inability to work disappear… |
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What can I do when faced with this inability to work?
If I’ve spoken about the reasons, it’s because it’s the first thing to do. Understanding where our professional suffering comes from allows us to partly solve the problem and overcome our inability to work. We need to pay attention to the signals our head and body are sending us ⚠️. Are we more irritable? Do we feel dissatisfied? Do we find it hard to sleep? Have we gained or lost weight? Are we tired all the time? The inability to work is reflected in many symptoms, which is why it’s important to listen to yourself.
Talk about your suffering
However, when the body starts to give up, it’s already late. We need to monitor our mental health to see if we’re really satisfied with the professional aspect of our life. If this isn’t the case, we can decide to talk about it to our manager to find solutions. For example, I expressed my wish to be part-time, because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do everything at once. Obviously, if you have a toxic manager, you don’t! In this case, the best thing to do is to turn to an outside person like a friend, a family member, or even better a therapist. Indeed, only the latter will be able to accompany us and calm us down 🤗.
Editor’s note: A strong signal that you should listen toWhen you no longer feel capable of working, when you’re exhausted and drained of all energy, it’s important to react, it’s a strong signal from your body that you need to listen to. The first thing to do is to contact a psychologist to identify the source of the problem together; the origins are sometimes deeper than we imagine. Then, you can decide what changes in habits or lifestyle to put in place to regain your desire and flourish in your professional and personal life. 🤗 Understanding yourself, accepting yourself, being happy… It’s here and now! #BornToBeMe |
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