4 Simple Techniques To Help Manage Hypersensitivity

Last updated by Katie M.

Being sensitive and touchy are often poorly perceived emotions, however, they can pan out to be heavy burdens to deal with on a daily basis. Learning to manage what are generally regarded as negative emotions, will help us transform our supposed weaknesses into strengths. Being hypersensitive can hold us back in every realm of life, but that’s not to say that it can’t be managed by following a few effective tips. If this is your case, find out what you can do to improve things.

4 Simple Techniques To Help Manage Hypersensitivity

Psychoanalysts agree that being sensitive means being able to feel feelings deeply and intensely, but it also means apprehending the world through the prism of emotions, forgetting its mental dimension. Between a feeling of inadequacy and negative connotations, it's not always easy to manage this extent of sensitivity...

Where does hypersensitivity stem from?

Emotional hypersensitivity is innate, and researchers have proven that the brains of these folks have a greater capacity for empathy. Within these people’s brains, the neuronal areas related to emotions and interaction are often way more worked and requested. This is therefore a trait you have to learn to live with.

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4 Tips to manage hypersensitivity

If you are hypersensitive, you may have been told that you are often on edge, or even temperamental. There are various signs that allow you to recognize this condition, such as frequent fatigue, the need for solitude, intolerance to loud noises, difficulty making choices, frequent crying or being easily irritable. In short, living with this trait isn’t easy, which is why it’s important to learn how to manage it rather than viewing it as a problematic load.

1. Take a step back

When your empathy kicks in for other people, you have to force yourself to think about the feelings you are experiencing. Are you taking on other people’s feelings and emotions? If they are those of others, then you must try to put aside the information and refocus on yourself.

2. Learn to let go

Just because you accept everything from others, that doesn't mean they will love you. Nor will you be able to fix all the injustices you see. Learning to let go is essential to free yourself from an unbearable feeling of guilt on a daily basis.

3. Be less aggressive

Extreme sensitivity and aggressiveness are frequent traits in hypersensitive people. By setting aside this aggressiveness, we open space for dialogue, we listen to criticism, and we move forward and realize that things are not as serious as they seem. For this, you can use the method of non-violent communication, guaranteed results!

4. Find your inner peace

Emotions are not our enemies, but to reconnect with them positively, nothing beats the practice of an artistic activity, whatever it may be. The theater could be the ideal activity, because by playing a character, you stop being the puppet of your emotions! You can also develop your inner calm by practicing mindfulness meditation or yoga, for example.

>>> Check out the 7 things that hypersensitive people are great at

Editor's note: Don't give up!

Hypersensitivity can be perceived as a strength or a weakness. Although, it’s only really necessary to address it if you feel like it’s holding you back in your daily life. Interpersonal therapies (IPT) and cognitive behavioral therapies (CBT) are very effective here. Managing your hypersensitivity can also be done with the support of therapy, such as psychoanalysis or psychotherapy.

🤗 Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... Let’s do it here and now!


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Article presented by
Katie, M.

"🌻 Discover the world through my eyes."


ok. I love this article. but what about part two. like how does one learn to apply these principles. Like this sounds very nice and I totally relate. But what’s the application.

ness, 4 years ago

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