Why Female Covert Narcissists Are More Cunning Than Their Male Counterparts

Last updated by Katie M.

It’s time to set the record straight, although male narcissists typically get a lot of flack, yet, female covert narcissists are just, if not even more dangerous than the guys. These women are the definition of devious and know how to wrap people around their little fingers without anyone ever really catching on to their behavior and conniving ways. 🦹‍♀️ They are a force to be reckoned with and certainly never back down from the challenge of breaking someone’s soul. Here are insights into how to identify a female covert narcissist and how to deal with one.

Why Female Covert Narcissists Are More Cunning Than Their Male Counterparts

First off: Recognizing covert female narcissist traits

In simple terms, a female covert narcissist encompasses all the hallmark traits of a classic narcissist. However, the key difference is their ability to artfully mask their manipulative ways 👿.

  • ✅ Unlike overt narcissists, they hide behind a manufactured "victim persona", giving the impression of being downtrodden or unconfident while subtly controlling situations.
  • ✅ Their defining traits include manipulation, emotional control, and a lack of empathy, paired with a talent for discreetly showcasing passive-aggressive behavior.
  • ✅ They are charismatic and charming, but beware: once their façade cracks, you’ll see how conniving and emotionally manipulative they truly are.

Their toxic behavior stems from their entitlement and neediness, making them experts at inserting themselves into people’s lives. They seek relationships where manipulation satisfies their own underlying desires while systematically drawing people into their web of deceit.

🔎 Spotting a female covert narcissist isn’t simple. They are master chameleons who hide behind fake stories of hardship to lure people into sympathizing with them. To everyone on the outside, they may seem harmless and sweet. But don't be fooled – they are masters of pretense.

>>> Read: Examples of messages a narcissist sends

Here are 5 reasons why female covert narcissists are more dangerous than men 😨

Whilst men are often called out for being master manipulators, women can in fact be even more dangerous and devious than their male counterparts. Women are generally gifted with immense emotional intelligence, which unfortunately, in this case, they use for destruction and pain, rather than good.

  • 1) Female covert narcissists are brilliant actors - These covert manipulators are very talented when it comes to giving Oscar-worthy performances. That’s right, they are so devious that they can turn the waterworks on at a minute's notice. They use narcissistic crying as a tool for manipulation and don’t hesitate to turn to it whenever they are in sticky situations! 
  • 2) They are also emotional manipulators - These women are amazing when it comes to capitalizing on other people’s emotions and weaknesses. Whenever they believe they can get their claws into someone, they certainly will. They will essentially use guilt-tripping to exploit their victims and get them to do what they want.
  • 3) They are damaging to your self-esteem - Unfortunately, covert women narcissists are completely vicious in the sense that they will do anything to tear their victims down. This will often start with backhanded compliments and sly criticism, yet, the intensity will increase over time.
  • 4) They isolate their victims - Covert narcissists are smooth movers, which explains why they are so successful in isolating their victims from their families and friends. Their behavior and lies create an unhealthy dependency and bond between the abuser and the victim, which can be extremely hard to break.
  • 5) They are completely unpredictable - Trying to anticipate their next move can be totally mind-boggling, and that’s simply because they love the idea of keeping everyone on their toes. The fact that they are so sly means that they can plot ultimate destruction without even arising suspicion from anyone.

The big question: What causes female covert narcissism? 🤔

Understanding what drives female covert narcissists can help us tackle their behavior and protect ourselves. According to psychological studies, early childhood experiences and relational traumas play a significant role in shaping these traits:

  • Neglect or abusive family dynamics: Having parents who belittle, ignore, or overly control their children often plants the seed for toxic behaviors later in life.
  • Unresolved romantic betrayals: Being cheated on or disrespected in relationships can leave emotional scars, fueling a need to exact revenge on others.
  • Ego development gone wrong: Inflated egos combined with insecurities can make these individuals look for domination in relationships rather than addressing personal issues.
Pro Tip: If you suspect someone in your life is a covert narcissist, set clear boundaries for your emotional and physical safety. Don’t hesitate to consult professional help when needed.

>>> Read: How to control jealousy in relationships

>>> Read; How to control jealousy in a relationship

Editor’s opinion - Don’t overlook these bad girls

Female covert narcissists should never be overlooked because their behavior and actions could lead to the ultimate downfall of their victim. Whenever they have the chance to get their teeth into people that they plan on controlling and manipulating, this can be extremely damaging and devastating. They shouldn’t be underestimated because they are very good at plotting destruction, so be sure to take the precautions mentioned above.

🤗 Understand yourself, accept yourself, and be happy... Let’s do it here and now


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Article presented by
Katie, M.

"🌻 Discover the world through my eyes."


Hi Katie, Just been reading your article about covert narcissist female, and i would like to say thanks a lot for the amazing information you have provided on here, i have met a covert narcissist female and she succeeded to make me fall in love with her (well it's not real love lets face it, only an illusion and shared fantasy she dad created and lured me in it) I must admit she got such a high level of sexual seduction that i have never seen in a female on this planet before.... She knows when and where to tap... My question is, is she ever going to leave me alone, as she discarded me and went fir my colleague to hurt me, but after i stonewalled her she still contacting me with fake facebook accounts , pretanding to be someone else...if she hates me that much what does she want from me??? My other question is, (out of curiosity) is she ever going to get married? And if she decides to get married, what kind of person she will fall in to marry? Many thanks once again Zac

Zac, a year ago

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