Tips On How To Say No, When You Don't Want To Do Things

Last updated by Katie M.

So that’s it then, you find yourself trapped for the weekend, forced to take on more work, to look after your nephew or to go away with your in-laws. Well, what do you expect? You always say yes to everything! Being agreeable may seem like a good trait on paper, but in reality, it can make you unhappy and draw you into uncomfortable situations. Struggling to refuse requests can often be put down to an innate fear of offending or disappointing people. The time has come for you to put yourself first as well as listen to your own desires.


5 Ways to say 'no' without feeling bad about it

It’s often the need to be liked and appreciated that drives us to say yes, straight away, without even thinking about it, to everything anyone ever asks us. This stems from feeling frustrated and having low self-esteem. Now, no more feeling trapped, here’s how to assert your opinion more easily:

1. Use the phrase “yes but…”

To do this, you have to rank your priorities. For instance, if you need to rest, but someone invites you to a party, say “yes, but I’m only going to stay until 2am”. Likewise, if your boss gives you more work to do, on top of all the work you already have, say to them, “yes, but at the moment I have more urgent work to do, I will take a look at it after”. So, you get the picture now!

>>> Discover the 8 things you shouldn't care about.

2. Take the time to think to things through before deciding

When someone suggests something to you, you don’t have to agree straight away, take time to think about it. Mindfulness mediation might help you. This will allow you to work on acting less impulsively.

3. Put forward your arguments but don’t justify yourself

If you argue “no”, the person you are talking to can hear your reasoning straight away. This allows you to explain yourself, but without getting aggressive and especially without justifying yourself by making up far-fetched excuses. Be honest and explain yourself.

4. Defend your private life

You have a right to want to have some alone time, to have your own plans, to be with your own family or partner. Basically, there are times when you’re not available, and that’s normal. Once you have accepted this fact, you will feel more comfortable turning people down and will be able to make the most of YOUR life.

5. Hang on in there

If those around you have always heard you say yes, it’s going to be hard for them to accept you deciding the opposite. That doesn’t matter, it’s your choice, so stand firm and simply repeat what you said before without giving in.

>>> Learn how to be assertive at work

And what about at work? How can you assert yourself professionally?

By wanting to do everything all the time, more or less willingly, burnouts claim more and more victims. That’s why it’s essential to know how to resist strong reluctance from time to time. Refusing to do things means taking back control of your planning at work, but also means becoming more productive. Basically, you’ve got every reason to disagree with your boss.

The reasons why should you say no:

  • To show that you are truly in tune with your values
  • To respect your boundaries and yourself
  • To increase your self-confidence
  • To get enjoyment out of everything you do
  • To regain your freedom to choose
  • To not suffer
  • To look after yourself and your health

Why is it difficult to say no?

Struggling to say no and to put yourself first are symptoms of being too nice. In fact, the reluctance to say no stems from the urge to avoid conflictual arguments and dramas. Indeed, being agreeable is the best weapon to defuse tension. Not wanting to let people down may seem totally normal, but it shouldn't mean that we often find ourselves pulling off mission impossible in order to avoid losing friends. Refusing to always be so agreeable doesn't make you a mean person, instead it means you are concerned for your own welfare. Asserting yourself by appearing firm is, above all, loving yourself, respecting yourself, and it’s essential for your mental health and self-confidence. What if we finally learned to say yes to ourselves for the sake of our own happiness? We’ll show you how to go about it.

Editor's opinion - Give it a go!

Saying “no” is a real learning process, you should practice it a bit every day. It’s hard at first, but when you see how good it is for you, you won’t be able to stop. Wave goodbye to frustration and anger, you’re now free! Learning to say “no” might take you a while, but as long as you don’t lose sight of your objective, you will finally be able to take the reins of your life and be proud of yourself. Good luck!
If your inability to say “no” lands you in impossible situations or puts the brakes on your life, it might be time to contact a therapist. Together, you will get to the crux of the problem and will find solutions.

🤗 Understand yourself, accept yourself, be happy... Let’s do it here and now!


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Article presented by
Katie, M.

"🌻 Discover the world through my eyes."

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